City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.230
Section 17C.230.100

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.230 Parking and Loading

Section 17C.230.100 General Standards
  1. Where the Standards Apply.

The standards of this chapter apply to all parking areas in RA, R1, R2, RMF, RHD, O, OR, NR, NMU, CB, GC, Downtown, CC, industrial, and FBC zones, whether required by this code or put in for the convenience of property owners or users. Parking areas include those accessory to a use, part of a commercial parking use, or for a park and ride facility in the basic utilities use category. Some zoning categories have unique parking standards as provided in Table 17C.230.120-1.

  1. Occupancy.

All required parking areas must be completed and landscaped prior to occupancy of any structure except as provided in chapter 17C.200 SMC, Landscaping and Screening.

  1. Calculations of Amounts of Required and Allowed Parking.
    1. When computing parking spaces based on floor area, floor area dedicated for parking is not counted.
    1. The number of parking spaces is computed based on the uses on the site. When there is more than one use on a site, the required or allowed parking for the site is the sum of the required or allowed parking for the individual uses. For joint use parking, see SMC 17C.230.110(B)(2).
    1. If the maximum number of spaces allowed is less than or equal to the minimum number required, then the maximum number is automatically increased to one more than the minimum.
    1. If the maximum number of spaces allowed is less than one, then the maximum number is automatically increased to one.
    1. When the calculation of required or allowed parking results in a decimal fraction, the number of parking spaces required or allowed is rounded up to the next whole number.
  1. Use of Required Parking Spaces.

Required parking spaces must be available for the use of residents, customers, or employees of the use. Fees may be charged for the use of required parking spaces, except for group living and residential household living uses. Required parking spaces may not be assigned in any way to a use on another site, except for joint parking situations. Required parking spaces must be made available to employees; it cannot be restricted only to customers. See SMC 17C.230.110(B)(2). Also, required parking spaces may not be used for the parking of equipment or storage of goods or inoperable vehicles.

  1. Proximity of Parking to Use.
    1. Required parking spaces for all industrial and commercial zones, except center and corridor zones, must be located on the site of the use or in parking areas whose closest point is within four hundred feet of the site. In center and corridor zones, parking is required to be located within six hundred feet of the use.
    1. Required parking spaces for uses in the RA, R1, R2, and RMF zones must be located on the site of the use. Required parking for the uses in the RHD zone must be located on the site of the use or in parking areas whose closest point is within four hundred feet of the site.
  1. Stacked Parking.

Stacked or valet parking is allowed if an attendant is present to move vehicles. If stacked parking is used for required parking spaces, some form of guarantee must be filed with the City ensuring that an attendant will always be present when the lot is in operation. The requirements for minimum or maximum spaces and all parking area development standards continue to apply for stacked parking.

  1. On-Street Parking.

The minimum number of required parking spaces may be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces immediately adjacent to a site’s public right-of-way frontages, located on the same side of the street. The street must be paved, with sidewalks that are ADA accessible. Each complete twenty linear foot section of right-of-way where parallel parking is permitted is considered a parking space. Where parallel, diagonal or other on-street parking is marked on the street or officially designated by other means; the number of complete parking spaces that are adjacent on the same side of the street to the site’s frontage are counted. An on-street parking space shall not be counted if it is restricted in its use as a designated loading, taxi or other special use zone or if parking is prohibited for more than five hours any twenty four-hour period. When calculating the number of required bicycle parking spaces per SMC 17C.230.200, the number of vehicle off-street parking spaces that would be required before this reduction is applied is the figure that is used.

  1. Curb Cuts.

Curb cuts and access restrictions are regulated by the City engineering services department. Other zoning standards or design guidelines may apply.

Date Passed: Monday, January 14, 2019

Effective Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

ORD C35731 Section 1

September 26, 2024