City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.230
Section 17C.230.110

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.230 Parking and Loading

Section 17C.230.110 Minimum Required Parking Spaces
  1. Purpose.

The purpose of required parking spaces is to provide enough parking to accommodate the majority of traffic generated by the range of uses, which might locate at the site over time. As provided in subsection (B)(3) of this section, bicycle parking may be substituted for some required parking on a site to encourage transit use and bicycling by employees and visitors to the site. The required parking numbers correspond to broad use categories, not specific uses, in response to this long-term emphasis. Provision of carpool parking, and locating it close to the building entrance, will encourage carpool use.

  1. Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Required.
    1. The minimum number of parking spaces for all zones is stated in Table 17C.230.120-1. Table 17C.230.130-1 states the required number of spaces for use categories. The standards of Table 17C.230.120-1 and Table 17C.230.130-1 apply unless specifically superseded by other portions of the city code.
    1. Joint Use Parking.

Joint use of required parking spaces may occur where two or more uses on the same or separate sites are able to share the same parking spaces because their parking demands occur at different times. Joint use of required nonresidential parking spaces is allowed if the following documentation is submitted in writing to the planning and economic development services director as part of a building or zoning permit application or land use review:

      1. The names and addresses of the uses and of the owners or tenants that are sharing the parking.
      1. The location and number of parking spaces that are being shared.
      1. An analysis showing that the peak parking times of the uses occur at different times and that the parking area will be large enough for the anticipated demands of both uses; and
      1. A legal instrument such as an easement or deed restriction that guarantees access to the parking for both uses.
    1. Bicycle parking may substitute for up to twenty-five (25) percent of required vehicle parking. For every four (4) short-term bicycle parking spaces, the motor vehicle parking requirement is reduced by one space. For every one (1) long-term bicycle parking space, the motor vehicle parking required is reduced by one space. Vehicle parking associated with residential uses may only be substituted by long-term bicycle parking. Existing parking may be converted to take advantage of this provision. Required bicycle parking spaces may be used to substitute for vehicle parking.
    1. Existing Uses.

The off-street parking and loading requirements of this chapter do not apply retroactively to established uses; however:

      1. the site to which a building is relocated must provide the required spaces; and
      1. a person increasing the floor area, or other measure of off-street parking and loading requirements, by addition or alteration, must provide spaces as required for the increase, unless the requirement under this subsection is five spaces or fewer.
    1. Change of Use.

When the use of an existing building changes, additional off-street parking and loading facilities must be provided only when the number of parking or loading spaces required for the new use(s) exceeds the number of spaces required for the use that most recently occupied the building. A “credit” is given for the most recent use of the property for the number of parking spaces that would be required by the current parking standards. The new use is not required to compensate for any existing deficit.

      1. If the proposed use does not generate the requirement for greater than five additional parking spaces more than the most recent use then no additional parking spaces must be added.
      1. For example, a non-conforming building with no off-street parking spaces most recently contained an office use that if built today would require three off-street parking spaces. The use of the building is proposed to be changed to a restaurant that would normally require six spaces. The three spaces that would be required of the existing office use are subtracted from the required number of parking spaces for the proposed restaurant use. The remainder is three spaces. Since the three new spaces is less than five spaces no off-street parking spaces would be required to be installed in order to change the use of the building from an office use to a restaurant use.
    1. Uses Not Mentioned.

In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in Table 17C.230.130-1, the requirements for off-street parking shall be determined by the planning and economic development services director. If there is/are comparable uses, the planning and economic development services director’s determination shall be based on the requirements for the most comparable use(s). Where, in the judgment of the planning and economic development services director, none of the uses in Table 17C.230.130-1 are comparable, the planning and economic development services director may base his or her determination as to the amount of parking required for the proposed use on detailed information provided by the applicant. The information required may include, but not be limited to, a description of the physical structure(s), identification of potential users, and analysis of likely parking demand.

  1. Carpool Parking.

For office, industrial, and institutional uses where there are more than twenty parking spaces on the site, the following standards must be met:

    1. Five spaces or five percent of the parking spaces on site, whichever is less, must be reserved for carpool use before nine a.m. on weekdays. More spaces may be reserved, but they are not required.
    1. The spaces will be those closest to the building entrance or elevator, but not closer than the spaces for disabled parking and those signed for exclusive customer use.
    1. Signs must be posted indicating these spaces are reserved for carpool use before nine a.m. on weekdays.

Date Passed: Monday, June 5, 2023

Effective Date: Sunday, July 16, 2023

ORD C36387 Section 1

February 23, 2025