City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.240
Section 17C.240.240

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.240 Signs

Section 17C.240.240 Sign Placement and Location Restrictions
  1. Sign Placement.

All signs and sign structures must be erected and attached totally within the site except when allowed to extend into the right-of-way by this chapter.

  1. Signs Extending Into the Right-of-way.

The standards of this subsection apply to permanent signs that are erected on private property and that extend into the right-of-way.

    1. Projecting Signs.

Projecting signs that extend into the right-of-way must meet the following standards:

      1. Distance Into the Right-of-way.
        1. Where allowed, signs may extend into the right-of-way not more than ten feet or within two feet of the curbline, whichever is the smaller projection.
        1. Diagonal corner signs may extend into the right-of-way to a point that is determined by extending a line from the maximum points allowed for projecting signs on each street frontage (See Figure 8).

Figure 8

Signs Projecting into the Right of Way

      1. Maximum Sign Face Area In the Right-of-way.

The area of a sign is limited by the amount the sign extends into the right-of-way, as follows:

        1. A sign extending more than six feet cannot have a total area of projection in excess of sixty square feet; and
        1. A sign extending less than six feet may not exceed one hundred square feet in area.
      1. Blanketing.

A projecting sign that extends into the right-of-way more than three feet may not be within twenty feet of another projecting or freestanding sign that extends more than three feet into the right-of-way if the new sign is within horizontal lines drawn from the top and bottom of the prior sign.

    1. Awnings and Marquees.

Awnings and marquees that contain signs may extend into the right-of-way the same distance as awnings and marquees that do not contain signs (See SMC 17F.040.140, Awnings).

  1. Clearances.
    1. Clear View Triangle
      1. Subject to the authority of the traffic engineer to make adjustments and special requirements in particular cases, all signs and sign features within the Clear View Triangle defined in SMC 17A.020.030 shall be maintained to keep a vertical clear view zone between three and ten feet from ground immediately below the sign or awning (see Figure 9).

                            Figure 9

                                       Vertical Clear View Zone


      1. Signs may not be located within a clear view triangle as defined in this paragraph. Support structures for a sign may only be located in a clear view triangle if the combined total width is twelve inches or less and the combined total depth is twelve inches or less.
    1. Vehicle Area Clearances.

In areas outside of rights-of-way, when a sign or awning extends over where vehicles travel or are parked, the bottom of the structure must be at least fourteen feet above the ground. Vehicle areas include driveways, alleys, parking areas, and loading and maneuvering areas.

    1. Pedestrian Area Clearances.

When a sign or awning extends over a sidewalk, walkway, or other space used by pedestrians, the bottom of the structure must be at least eight feet above the ground. Free-hanging valances made of fabric or other non-rigid material hung on signs, awnings, and marquees must be at least seven feet above of a sidewalk, walkway, or other space used by pedestrians.

    1. Access to Signs.

Access clear of all obstructions must be provided to all signs.

  1. Removal of Signs.
    1. The director of public works and utilities may require any legally permitted or legal non-conforming signs extending into the right-of-way to be modified or moved if streets are widened, or other improvements made in the right-of-way, which result in the creation of unsafe conditions. The modification or moving will be at the owner’s expense. If a legal nonconforming sign is moved under this requirement, it may be re-erected on the site without being brought into conformance.
    1. Abandoned signs and signs not explicitly allowed within the right-of-way shall be subject to immediate removal, under the authority of the director of public works or his/her designee.

Date Passed: Monday, January 29, 2018

Effective Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

ORD C35577 Section 20

February 23, 2025