City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.240
Section 17C.240.243

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.240 Signs

Section 17C.240.243 Freestanding Signs
  1. Setbacks.

Freestanding signs are regulated as follows:

    1. Residential Zones.
      1. In residential zones, freestanding signs are allowed in required setbacks; however, in required front setbacks, monument signs exceeding three and one-half feet tall shall be setback ten feet from the front property line, provided that the requirements of SMC 17C.240.240(C) are met.
      1. Freestanding signs with structural supports less than two feet in width, with copy area placed at a height of seven feet or more above grade, may be located at the front property line, provided that the requirements of SMC 17C.240.240(C) are met.
      1. Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two feet shall be set back not less than ten feet from the front property line, provided that the requirements of SMC 17C.240.240(C) are met.
    1. Commercial and Industrial Zones.

In O, OR, NR, NMU, CB, CC-2, GC, LI, and HI zones, freestanding signs are allowed in required setbacks for buildings and parking areas. However, freestanding signs are prohibited in the setback between a property line abutting a residentially zoned site and the building line or parking area setback line.

  1. Frontages.

Freestanding signs must be placed on arterial street frontages unless there are none. Freestanding signs that are allowed based on the length of one arterial street frontage may not be placed on another arterial street frontage. Frontage on a freeway is not considered arterial street frontage.

  1. Extensions Into the Right-of-way.

Freestanding signs may project into the public right-of-way as follows, provided they also meet the requirements of 17C.240.240(B):

    1. No more than ten feet beyond the property line; or
    1. Within two feet of the curbline, whichever is the smaller projection.
    1. The area of a sign is limited by the amount of projection beyond the property line, as follows:
      1. A sign projecting more than six feet cannot have a total area of projection in excess of sixty square feet; and
      1. A sign projecting less than six feet may not exceed one hundred square feet in area.
    1. All supports of a freestanding sign must be on private property.
  1. Directional Signs.
    1. General Standards.

Directional signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in all zones and are not counted in the total square footage of permanent signage allowed on the site. Adjustments or modifications to the standards of this subsection are prohibited.

    1. Size.

Freestanding directional signs may be up to six square feet in area and forty two inches in height. Fascia directional signs may be up to six square feet in area and eight feet in height.

    1. Sign Features.

Direct, internal or indirect lighting is allowed. Extensions into the right-of-way are prohibited. Up to 25 percent of the area of the sign may contain a logo, image, or other copy.

    1. Directional Signs that Do Not Meet the Standards of this Subsection.

Directional signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection must meet either the standards for signs attached to buildings or the standards for freestanding signs.

Date Passed: Monday, January 29, 2018

Effective Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

ORD C35577 Section 23

February 23, 2025