City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.310
Section 17C.310.010

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.310 Animal Keeping

Section 17C.310.010 Purpose
  1. Animal Keeping.

The purpose of this chapter is to make provisions for and set limits on the keeping of animals within the City limits. This section recognizes the commercial and sport animal keeping activities as well as the desire of citizens to keep pets. The provisions of this section strive to provide the broadest personal discretion in animal keeping. However, since the City is characterized as an intense urban environment with people living in close proximity, this section also emphasizes the significant responsibility of animal owners and keepers to protect the rights and lifestyles of their neighbors. Animal owners and keepers are expected to meet the following requirements as a reflection of their responsibility.

    1. Unrestrained Animals.

Owners and keepers are to keep all animals contained within a structure or fenced yard or on a leash or other appropriate harness or retraining device capable of safely controlling the animal. As provided in chapter 5.04 of the Spokane County Code, no dog may be permitted to run at large. Racing/homing pigeons are allowed to fly unrestrained during periods of exercise, training and racing.

    1. Noisy Animals.

Owners and keepers are to prevent their animals from making unnecessary or unusual noises to the extent that reasonable persons are annoyed. Chapter 5.04 of the Spokane County Code and 10.08D SMC relate to noisy animals.

    1. Dangerous Dog, Potentially Dangerous Dog and Inherently Dangerous Animals.

The keeping of dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs shall be regulated pursuant to chapter 10.03 SMC. The keeping of inherently dangerous animals is prohibited in all zones pursuant to SMC 17C.310.150, except as provided in Chapter 5.12 of the Spokane County Code.

    1. Potentially Rabid Animals.

Chapter 5.04 of the Spokane County Code prohibits the keeping of any dog over age six months that has not been properly inoculated against rabies. Any animal afflicted with rabies or that has been exposed to a rabid animal or suspected rabid animal shall be either destroyed or detained and treated in a manner directed by the health officer, in accordance with state communicable disease regulations (WAC 246-100-197 Rabies – Measures to Prevent Human Disease).

    1. Nuisance Related to Odors.

Owners and keepers are to maintain their animals in a clean and sanitary condition so as not to create offensive odors or other nuisances to the extent that a reasonable person is annoyed. SMC 10.08A.020.H(1)(f) relates to the creation of a nuisance, including nuisance conditions related to odor.

Date Passed: Monday, June 6, 2016

Effective Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016

ORD C35394 Section 8

February 23, 2025