City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.335
Section 17C.335.110

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.335 Historic Structures – Change of Use

Section 17C.335.110 Development Standards
  1. Applicability.

The development standards of this section apply only to those structures or properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. All structures and properties listed in the National Register are subject to all of the use restrictions and development standards of the base zone as minimum standards unless otherwise specifically provided by this section or by an approved planned unit development.

  1. Permit Required.

A change in the use of an historic structure to any use allowed in the base zoning district is permitted through the issuance of a certificate of occupancy so long as there are no significant exterior alterations made to the structure.

  1. Change in Use.

A change to any use other than a use listed as permitted in the base zoning district may be allowed by Type III permit from the hearing examiner if the following criteria are met:

    1. The structure is listed on the Spokane Register or National Register of Historic Places.
    1. All proposed changes to the structure have been approved by the landmarks commission as being compatible with the historical designation of the property, the form of approval being specified in the rules of procedure of the hearing examiner.
    1. The change in use is demonstrated as necessary to ensure that the structure will be preserved, considering all uses allowed in the underlying zone.
    1. The benefits to the public arising out of preserving the structure are greater than the harm to the public resulting from allowing the proposed use of the structure, considering such factors as public access to the structure provided by the proposed use, the distinctive character of the proposed use, the need for the proposed use in the neighborhood in which the building is located or in the City, the amount of traffic, noise and other off-site impacts anticipated to be caused by the use and the means available to mitigate any potential off-site impacts.

Date Passed: Monday, May 8, 2006

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2006

ORD C33830 Section 7

September 26, 2024