City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.345
Section 17C.345.120

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.345 Manufactured Homes and Mobile Home Parks

Section 17C.345.120 Development Standards for Mobile Home Parks
  1. Uses.
    1. Manufactured homes or mobile homes, on a condominium basis, or on leased lots.
    1. Accessory buildings, such as laundry, grounds maintenance shop, recreation, restroom and swimming pool.
    1. Motor homes, recreational or camping vehicles and trailers are not permitted.
  1. Lot Area.

A park must have a minimum area of ten acres.

  1. Setbacks.
    1. All manufactured homes, and extensions thereof, accessory structures and other buildings must be set back on a leased lot as follows:
      1. Twenty feet from the boundary of the park.
      1. Twenty feet from a public street.
      1. Ten feet from an interior private or public street, walking or parking area; and
      1. Ten feet from any other manufactured home.
  1. Open Space.

At least fifteen percent of the gross site area must be in open space or recreational areas available for use by all residents. Parking, driving and setback areas and areas less than five thousand square feet do not count as required open space.

  1. Density.

The density minimum is four units per acres to a maximum density of ten units per acre.

  1. Buffer Strips.

A twenty foot strip around the boundary of the manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision must be landscaped to provide a visual screen. All open spaces and other unimproved areas must be suitably landscaped. All landscaping must be maintained and furnished with an automatic sprinkler system.

  1. Landscaping Areas.

Requirements for landscaping are stated in chapter 17C.200 SMC, Landscaping and Screening.

  1. Signs.

One freestanding identification sign may be erected along each major approach to the park so long as such sign:

    1. does not exceed an area of fifteen square feet;
    1. does not exceed twenty feet in height;
    1. sets back from the street at least twenty feet; and
    1. is of low-intensity illumination and not flashing or animated.
  1. Parking.

Paved off street parking must be provided at the ratio of one and one half space per manufactured home. At least one space must be at the manufactured home or mobile home stand. Other spaces may be in a common parking area so long as each space is within two hundred feet of the manufactured home or mobile home stand to which it relates.

  1. Pedestrian Access.

There must be a paved or graveled system of walkways, which gives safe and convenient access to every manufactured home and all common facilities. Sidewalks developed in conjunction with public or private streets may meet this requirement.

  1. Utilities.

The park must be connected to the city water and sewer systems, individual on-site wells and septic tanks are not allowed. Utility lines are required to be under ground.

  1. Streets.

Each lease lot, space or unit must be adjacent to a public or private street. Both public and private streets are approved by the director of engineering services and are required to meet the requirements of chapter 17G.010 SMC. Deviations to the public or private street standards, curbing, sidewalks, lighting, pedestrian buffer strips and other street standards are not permitted through a mobile home park approval.

  1. Installation.

Each manufactured home or mobile home must be securely installed upon a stand and must be skirted to conceal the undercarriage.

  1. Accessory Structures.

Requirements for accessory structures are stated in SMC 17C.111.240, Accessory Structures.

Date Passed: Monday, May 8, 2006

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2006

ORD C33830 Section 9

February 23, 2025