City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.355A
Section 17C.355A.050

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.355A Wireless Communication Facilities

Section 17C.355A.050 Tower Sharing, Collocation and Preferred Tower Locations
  1. Tower Sharing and Collocation. New WCF facilities must, to the maximum extent feasible, collocate on existing towers or other structures of a similar height to avoid construction of new towers, unless precluded by zoning constraints such as height, structural limitations, inability to obtain authorization by the owner of an alternative location, or where an alternative location will not meet the service coverage objectives of the applicant. Applications for a new tower must address all existing towers or structures of a similar height within 1/2 mile of the proposed site as follows: (a) by providing evidence that a request was made to locate on the existing tower or other structure, with no success; or (b) by showing that locating on the existing tower or other structure is infeasible.

  2. Preferred Tower Locations. All new towers proposed to be located in a residential zone or within 150 feet of a residential zone are permitted only after application of the following siting priorities, ordered from most-preferred (1) to least-preferred (8);

    1. City-owned or operated property and facilities, not including right-of-way and right-of-way facilities, that are not in residential zones or located within 150 feet of residential zones;

    2. industrial zones and downtown zones;

    3. City-owned or operated property and facilities in any zone, as long as the tower is inconspicuous from a public street, public open areas, or property that is being used for residential purposes;

    4. Community Business and General Commercial zones (CB & GC);

    5. office and other commercial zones;

    6. other City-owned or operated property and facilities;

    7. parcels of land in residential zones;

    8. sites in residential zones on or within 150 feet of a designated historic structure or district.

The applicant for a tower located in a residential zone or within 150 feet of a residential zone shall address these preferences in an alternative sites analysis meeting the requirements of section 17C.355A.060 below.

Date Passed: Monday, November 2, 2015

Effective Date: Monday, November 2, 2015

ORD C35312 Section 2

February 23, 2025