City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.010
Section 17D.010.020

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.010 Concurrency Certification

Section 17D.010.020 Concurrency Review
  1. Application.

All development permit applications are subject to a concurrency review except those exempted in SMC 17D.010.030. If a concurrency review is conducted for the preliminary plat application, no concurrency review shall be required for the final plat application.

  1. Procedures.

The concurrency review will be performed in the processing of the development permit and conducted by the appropriate facility and service providers.

  1. The planning and economic development services department shall provide the overall coordination of the concurrency review by notifying the facility and service providers of all applications (not including applications for building permits which shall be processed and coordinated by the building services department in a manner consistent with this chapter) requiring a concurrency review as set forth in subsection (A) of this section; notifying the facility and service providers of all exempted applications which use capacity as set forth in SMC 17G.061.120(B)(3); notifying the applicant of the review results; notifying the facility and service providers of the final outcome (approval or denial) of the development permit; and notifying the facility and service providers of any expired development permits or discontinued certificates of capacity. Failure by the notified facility and service provider to respond shall be construed as a finding that concurrency is met.
  1. All facility and service providers shall be responsible for maintaining and monitoring their available and planned capacity.
  1. On an annual basis, the Integrated Capital Management Department should coordinate with facility and service providers to identify projects that may be needed in order to accommodate future development and should incorporate such projects in the annual update of the City’s Capital Improvement Program.
  1. Review.

Development applications that would result in a reduction of a level of service below the minimum level of service standard cannot be approved. For public water, public wastewater (sewer and stormwater), solid waste disposal, and recycling, only available capacity will be used in the concurrency review. For transportation, police protection, fire protection, schools, parks and recreation and libraries available and planned capacity will be used in conducting the concurrency review.

  1. If the capacity of concurrency facilities, either existing or as planned, is equal to or greater than the capacity required by the development permit to, the concurrency review is satisfied.
  1. If the concurrency review is not passed, the applicant may accept a ninety-day reservation of concurrency facilities that exist and:
  1. modify the application to reduce the need for concurrency facilities that do not exist;
  1. demonstrate to the service provider’s satisfaction that the development will have a lower need for capacity than usual and, therefore, capacity is adequate;
  1. arrange with the service provider for the provision of the additional capacity of concurrency facilities required; or
  1. appeal the results of the concurrency review to the hearing examiner in accordance with the provisions of SMC 17D.010.050. The ninety-day reservation period is tolled from the date an appeal is filed until the date the hearing examiner signs his written opinion.
  1. Concurrency Inquiry

An inquiry may be made as to whether or not capacity exists within concurrency facilities without an accompanying request for a development permit.

    1. Fee.

As set forth in SMC 8.02.0696, a fee may be charged for such concurrency review. Any available capacity cannot be reserved.

    1. Capacity Letter.

Upon request, the Director of Engineering may issue a letter indicating whether capacity is available. Unless reserved through some other process or through a Development Agreement, such letter shall not be legally binding.

Date Passed: Monday, April 29, 2024

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

ORD C36514 Section 10

September 27, 2024