City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.050A
Section 17D.050A.040

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.050A Roadway Naming and Addressing

Section 17D.050A.040 Definitions
  1. “Address” means a property location identification with the following format, and typically in the following order:  address number, directional prefix, roadway name, roadway type, building designator, and unit designator (e.g., “123 W. Main St., Apt. 456”).  The following elements are required: address number, roadway name, and roadway type.  The following elements may be optional:  directional prefix, building designator, and unit designator.

  2. “Addressing Authority” means the Development Services Center. 

  3. “Address Number” means the numeric designation for an addressable structure or unit.

  4. “Addressable” means a property required to be assigned an address under this chapter.

  5. “Addressable Property, Addressable Structures, Addressable Sites or Addressable Units” means, generally, the habitable or legally occupied structure, or a lot, parcel, or tract, but may also include other structures or sites as determined necessary by the relevant addressing authority.

  6. “Addressing Database” means the computerized format for tracking assigned roadway names and addresses within the City of Spokane. 

  7. “Addressing Grid System” is the address number and directional system in a particular area such as a grid system, block system, plat, or subdivision.

  8. “Administrator” means the Development Services Center Manager.

  9. “Building Designator” means a single character alphabetic descriptor for a single building within a multiple unit complex (e.g., “123 W. Main St., Bldg. A”).

  10. “Department” means the Development Services Center.

  11. “Directional Prefix” means a single or double character alphabetic descriptor within a roadway name consisting of any combination of the cardinal directions of North, South, East, and West, generally used in specific roadway naming schemes (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW).

  12. “E911 Director” means the manager of the local 911 service.

  13. “Non-conforming Address or Roadway Name” means an address or roadway name that is not in compliance with this chapter.

  14. “Multiple Units” means the presence of two or more addressable structures, addressable sites, or addressable units on a single Spokane County tax parcel or group of undivided interest parcels.

  15. “Multiple Unit Complex” means an apartment, condominium, or business complex where there exist multiple buildings on a single site, and two or more buildings include multiple units.

  16. “Multiple Unit Structure” means a single structure which contains two or more units.

  17. “Non-conforming Roadway Name Sign” means a roadway name sign that is not in compliance with this chapter.

  18. “Regional Public Safety Spatial Database” means the spatial format for tracking all assigned roadway names and addresses within Spokane County. This system is maintained by the Regional Public Safety Geographic Information Systems (RPSGIS) Committee for use in countywide public safety-related applications.

  19. “Roadway” means a public or private way on which vehicles travel, encompassing all roadway types.

  20. “Roadway Name” means the word or words either existing, or in the case of new or renamed roadways, which are approved by the Development Services Center, used in conjunction with a directional prefix, and/or a roadway type to identify a public or private roadway.

  21. “Roadway Type” means an abbreviated word used in conjunction with a roadway name to describe the character of the roadway and will be in accordance with USPS Publication No. 28 Appendix C1. The following are allowable roadway types:

    1. Alley (Aly): a narrow service roadway that serves rear lots and where platted width is less than twenty feet.

    2. Avenue (Ave): a through local, collector or arterial roadway generally running east-west.

    3. Boulevard (Blvd):  a roadway with exceptional width, length and scenic value, typically with a landscaped median dividing the roadway; or an arterial or major collector roadway that lies diagonally to the east-west, north-south grid system.

    4. Circle (Cir): a local or collector roadway having ingress and egress from the same roadway. See also “Loop”.

    5. Court (Ct): a dead end or cul-de-sac that will not become an extension or a continuation of either an existing or future roadway, not longer than six hundred feet in length.

    6. Drive (Dr): a lengthy collector or arterial that does not have a definite directional course.

    7. Highway (Hwy): used to designate state or federal roadways only.

    8. Lane (Ln): a roadway used as a private local access within a development.

    9. Loop (Loop): a local or collector roadway having ingress and egress from the same roadway. See also “Circle”.

    10. Parkway (Pkwy): a thoroughfare designated as a collector or arterial, with a median reflecting the park-like character implied in the name.

    11. Place (Pl): a permanently dead-end roadway, terminating in a cul-de-sac, or short through roadway, not longer than six hundred fifty feet in length.

    12. Road (Rd): typically reserved for roadways located outside the boundary of a city or town, and may be found within city/town limits due to past annexations or when a new roadway is in alignment with or within one hundred twenty five feet of an existing county road.

    13. Street (St): a through local, collector or arterial roadway generally running north-south.

    14. Way (Way): a curvilinear roadway.

  22. “Unit” means a specific dwelling or commercial space amongst a larger group of dwellings or commercial spaces (e.g., apartment, suites, etc.).

  23. “Unit Designator” means a secondary address number that is used to identify a separate unit on a single lot, parcel, tract of land, or within a multiple unit complex. A unit designator at a minimum shall consist of a unit type and a numeric identifier (e.g., 10126 W. Rutter Pkwy., Apt. 2).  See also: “Multiple Units”, “Multiple Unit Complex”, “Multiple Unit Structure”)

  24. “Unit Type” means an abbreviated word used in conjunction with a unit designator to describe the character of the unit and will be in accordance with USPS Publication No. 28 Appendix C2.  The following are allowable unit types:

    1. “Apt” for Apartment,

    2. “Bsmt” for Basement,

    3. “Bldg” for Building,

    4. “Dept” for Department,

    5. “Dorm” for Dormitory,

    6. “Fl” for Floor,

    7. “Frnt” for Front,

    8. “Hngr” for Hanger,

    9. “Lbby” for Lobby,

    10. “Lot” for Lot,

    11. “Lowr” for Lower Level,

    12. “Ofc” for Office,

    13. “Pier” for Pier,

    14. “Rear” for Rear,

    15. “Rm” for Room,

    16. “Slip” for Slip,

    17. “Spc” for Space,

    18. “Stop” for Stop,

    19. “Ste” for Suite,

    20. “Trlr” for Trailer,

    21. “Unit” for Unit,

    22. “Uppr” for Upper Level.

  25. “Utility Site” means a parcel containing any type of utility service, located on a legal parcel of land with no association to a building and, requiring periodic maintenance or readings by utility company personnel.

Date Passed: Monday, November 14, 2016

Effective Date: Thursday, December 22, 2016

ORD C35452 Section 2

September 27, 2024