City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.060
Section 17D.060.130

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.060 Stormwater Facilities

Section 17D.060.130 Special Drainage Districts (SDD) Designated

The following areas are designated as Special Drainage Districts (SDD):

  1. Moran Prairie SDD.

The boundaries of this area are:

Those portions of sections 27, 33, 34, and 35, Township 25 North, Range 43, East W.M., and sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, Township 24 North, Range 43 East W.M. described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of Havana St. and 23rd Ave. thence west along the c/l of 23rd Ave. to the intersection of Cuba St. thence south along the c/l of Cuba St. to the intersection of 24th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 24th Ave to the intersection of Myrtle St. thence south along the c/l of Myrtle St. to the intersection of 26th Ave., thence west along the c/l of 26th Ave. to the intersection of Rebecca St. thence south along the c/l of Rebecca St. to the intersection of 28th Ave to the intersection of Freya St., thence south along the c/l of Freya St. to the intersection of 29th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 29th Ave. to the intersection of Thor St. thence south along the c/l of Thor St. to the intersection of 32nd Ave. thence west along the c/l of 32nd Ave to the intersection of Fiske St. thence south along the c/l of Fiske St. to the intersection of 33rd Ave. thence west along the c/l of 33rd Ave to the intersection of Regal St. thence south along the c/l of Regal St. to the intersection of 36th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 36th Ave to the intersection of Mt. Vernon St. thence south along the c/l of Mt. Vernon St. to the intersection of 38th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 38th Ave. to the intersection of Stone St. thence south along the c/l of Stone St. to the intersection of 39th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 39th Ave to the intersection of Crestline St. thence south along the c/l of Crestline St. to the intersection of Thurston Ave. thence west along the c/l of Thurston Avenue to the intersection of Napa St. extended thence south along the c/l of Napa St. extended and Napa Street to the intersection of 44th Ave. thence west along thence c/l of 44th Ave. extended to the intersection of Magnolia St. thence south along the c/l of Magnolia St. to the intersection of 46th Ave. thence west along the c/l of 46th Ave. to the intersection of Hogan St. thence south along the c/l of Hogan St. to the intersection of 49th Ave, thence west along the c/l of 49th Ave. and 49th Ave. extended to the intersection with Hatch Road, thence south along the c/l of Hatch Rd. to the intersection of 53rd Ave extended, thence east along the c/l of 53rd Ave. extended to the intersection of Perry St. and existing southern city limits, thence easterly and northerly along said existing city limits to the point of the beginning. This description prevails over any conflict with maps provided.

    1. Maps.

The attached map (Exhibit A, page 1), incorporated herein, shows the Moran Prairie SDD. A second attached map (Exhibit A, page 2), also incorporated herein, shows the Spokane County Glenrose basin area boundaries. Exhibit A, p. 2 also includes information regarding the natural location of drainage systems.

  1. Five-Mile Prairie SDD.

The boundaries of the Five-Mile Prairie SDD are:

Located in Sections 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25 & 26, Township 26 North, Range 42 East W.M.; and Sections 18, 19 & 20, Township 26 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; Beginning at the intersection of Cedar Street and Francis Avenue, thence west along Francis Avenue to the intersection of Ash Street and Francis Avenue, thence north along Ash Street to the intersection of Ash Street and Five Mile Road, thence westerly along Five Mile Road to the intersection of Five Mile Road and Woodside Avenue, thence westerly along Woodside Avenue to the intersection of Woodside Avenue and Dell Drive, thence northeasterly along Dell Drive to USGS elevation contour 2100 (NAVD88), thence northwesterly along said elevation contour to the northernmost city limits, coinciding with the BPA easement, thence westerly and southerly along the existing city limit to the point of beginning, situate in Spokane County, Washington. This description prevails over any conflict with maps provided. This description includes property located at the base of the Five Mile Plateau.

    1. Maps.

The attached map (Exhibit B, page 1), incorporated herein, shows the Five-Mile Prairie SDD. A second attached map (Exhibit B, page 2), also incorporated herein, shows the North Spokane County boundaries. Exhibit B, page 2 also includes information regarding the natural location of drainage systems.

[Note: No text was amended, but page 1 of the map referenced in SMC 17D.060.130(A)(1) as “Exhibit A” and page 1 of the map referenced in SMC 17D.060.130(B)(1) as “Exhibit B” have been updated and submitted to amend this section.]

Date Passed: Monday, March 8, 2010

Effective Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010

ORD C34564 Section 12

September 27, 2024