City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.080
Section 17D.080.060

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.080 Voluntary Impact Fees

Section 17D.080.060 Identification of Direct Impacts
  1. Prior to the predevelopment conference or the threshold determination under SEPA, or at such other time as is requested by the developer, the department requesting an impact fee identifies the direct impacts of the development.
  1. The measure of direct impacts takes into consideration, but is not limited to, the following items to the extent an item is applicable to the development:
    1. The City’s comprehensive plan and its neighborhood plans, the capital facilities plan, the arterial street plan, transportation plans, parks and open spaces plans and any other adopted city plan.
    1. City documents approved by the city council which identify or analyze public facilities identified in City plans.
    1. Impact of the development on the size, number, capacity, condition, availability, proximity or other characteristics of public facilities.
    1. Likelihood that a direct impact from development, when aggregated with impacts of future developments in the service area, would require mitigation due to the cumulative effect of all developments.
    1. Likelihood that the development will benefit from or use public facilities.
    1. Existing or planned alternatives for financing public facilities, including public contributions.
    1. Whether impacts have been previously mitigated, in whole or in part; and
    1. Any other criteria useful for identifying or quantifying impacts and deemed relevant by the director or the department requesting the impact fee.
  1. If a developer disputes the direct impact identified by the City, the developer may commission a study to measure the direct impacts of the development. The scope of work for such a study is to be agreed to between the department and the developer prior to the developer’s commissioning of the study. Recommendations and conclusions of the developer’s study are submitted to the department requesting the impact fee. If the department and the developer agree to the recommendations and conclusions of the developer’s study, such study is used to establish the impact fee to be paid by the developer.

Date Passed: Monday, February 21, 2005

Effective Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005

ORD C33582 Section 6

September 26, 2024