City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.100
Section 17D.100.030

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.100 Historic Preservation

Section 17D.100.030 Historic Landmarks and Historic Districts – Submittal Process
  1. An application for the designation of a property or district as an historic landmark or historic district as provided in this chapter shall be submitted to the historic preservation officer (“HPO”) on a standard form made available by the HPO. The application may be submitted by the property owner(s) or a designated agent of the property owner(s).

  2. With respect to historic landmark applications, when the HPO is satisfied as to the completeness and accuracy of the information, the nomination is referred within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the application to the historic landmarks commission (“commission”) for a hearing. Fourteen (14) days prior to the commission hearing, the HPO transmits to commission members copies of the nominations of properties to be considered for designation.

  3. In the case of historic districts, the HPO will submit (i) proposed management and design standards for the district as a whole; and (ii) the nomination document which delineates all contributing resources and non-contributing resources within the district, to the owners of property within the boundaries of the proposed historic district for their consideration and review for a sixty (60) day period. If the requisite number of consents are received according to SMC 17D.100.100, the HPO schedules the application for a hearing before the commission.

  4. Notice.

    1. Once the nomination is scheduled for a hearing, the HPO notifies the owner(s) of the nominated property in writing by first-class mail, as well as by publication in a newspaper of general circulation of the date of the hearing and of the benefits and conditions which may result from designation.

    2. Notice of the hearing on proposed historic landmarks shall be sent at least fourteen (14) days before the hearing. Notice of the hearing on proposed historic districts shall be sent at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing.

Date Passed: Monday, February 12, 2018

Effective Date: Saturday, March 31, 2018

ORD C35580 Section 2

September 27, 2024