Title 17E Environmental Standards
Chapter 17E.010 Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas – Aquifer Protection
Article III. Underground Storage Tanks
Section 17E.010.230 Permit Conditions – Fees – Testing
To obtain an operational UST permit the owner/operator must:
pay to the fire official the fees specified in SMC 8.02.034(A);
demonstrate that the UST passes an annual tightness test by using a precision leak test, automatic tank gauge (ATG) test, or other method as approved by the fire official to the fire official’s satisfaction. To be considered, leak test results must be less than six months old.
The fire official has authority to set additional fees related to enforcement of this article.
Permit transfer requests are determined in writing by the fire official and may be approved if the transferee is willing and able to comply with the conditions imposed and accepts the responsibilities of the permit holder.
The fire official may establish a list of qualified persons to serve as leak test inspectors.
Date Passed: Monday, June 13, 2016
Effective Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016
ORD C35399 Section 16