City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.010
Section 17F.010.080

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.010 General Provisions

Section 17F.010.080 Promulgation of Decision
  1. Upon Hearing Under the existing Building and Conservation Code.
    1. Copies of the findings and order of the building official are posted and served as provided in SMC 17F.010.050(A)(1)(a) and (b), upon all persons having a record interest in the property who have not disclaimed all interest. If within the time allowed no appeal is filed, a copy of the building official’s order is filed in the manner of a lis pendens in the office of the Spokane County auditor.
    1. Copies of the findings and order of the hearing examiner are promulgated as provided in subsection (A)(1) of this section. If the order does not require action from which a lien in favor of the City may result, the building official files a cancellation of notice of lis pendens represented by this complaint under SMC 17F.010.050(A)(1)(c).
  1. Without Hearing.

Unless otherwise provided by law, and subject to such rules as may be adopted, it is sufficient that the decision on an application under this chapter that does not involve a hearing be filed in the records of the agency and be summarized in writing to the applicant.

    1. Building Permits.

Building permits (including such related permits as are described in SMC 17G.010.140) are issued based on the written application and accompanying plans, if any. When the department of building services requires modification of an application, it may either require the applicant to resubmit the application or indelibly mark the modification on the application. The work for which a permit is issued is identified by a mark of approval on the application documents, one set of which is retained in the department and the other set of which is given to the applicant and kept at the site of the work until final inspection and approval.

    1. Projecting Structures.

The projection into a public way is shown on the building permit application and plans. When the projection exceeds limits prescribed in Chapter 32 of the International Building Code, or the owner so requests, or the building official so elects, the projection is authorized by the city council in the form of an easement which is filed of record in the county auditor’s office.

    1. Sidewalk Openings.

A permit to install a sidewalk opening is based upon the written application and accompanying plans. When the engineering services department requires modification of an application, it may either require the applicant to resubmit the application or indelibly mark the modification on the application. The details of the installation are evidenced by a mark of approval on the application documents, the original of which is kept on file in the engineering services department and a copy of which is kept by the applicant at the work site.

    1. Fences, Hedges, etc.

The agreement whereby the property owner covenants to remove the encroachment from and restore the right-of-way is filed of record in the county auditor’s office.

    1. Blaster’s License.

The contractor’s bond and liability insurance certificate are filed in the engineering services department and a copy of the license is furnished to the fire official.

    1. Boiler Operator’s License.

Engineer’s, boiler operator’s and fireman’s licenses are conspicuously displayed in the room where the boiler or steam plant to which the license applies is located.

    1. Blasting Permit.

A copy of the blasting permit is furnished to the fire official and to such other departments as the city engineer deems appropriate in the particular case.

    1. Building Moving Permit.

Notice that the permit is to be issued as applied for is given by the department of building services to the engineering services department – traffic division, police department and the utilities which have received a copy of the application. The original of the permit is given to the applicant and a copy is retained in the department of building services. Bond and insurance documents, if any, are filed with the department of building services.

    1. Environmental Policy Act.

The proponent of a proposal to which the City has taken action may publish notice of the action by publication on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation, by filing notice with the state department of ecology at its main office, and by mailing through regular first-class mail a notice to the record owners of each parcel adjoining the site or by posting notice conspicuously on the site.

Date Passed: Monday, November 26, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, January 2, 2008

ORD C34135 Section 11

September 26, 2024