City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.030
Section 17F.030.050

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.030 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Section 17F.030.050 Safety and Safety Relief Valves
  1. All boilers and unfired pressure vessels, including pressure retaining items listed in RCW 70.79.090(5), shall be safeguarded by safety pressure relief devices as specified in the applicable ASME Code or recognized standard. The pressure relieving device set pressure shall not exceed the boiler’s or the unfired pressure vessel’s maximum allowable working pressure unless allowed by the code of construction. These pressure relieving devices shall be installed per the applicable ASME Code or manufacturer’s requirements. The outlet of the relief device shall be run full size to a safe place and shall not induce undue stress on the valve. As an alternative they may be safeguarded by a fail safe pressure relief control system that is evaluated by a professional engineer knowledgeable with boilers and pressure vessels and accepted by the city inspector.
  2. The resetting, repairing and restamping of safety valves and relief valves must be done by a qualified manufacturer or valve repair organization holding a valid "V," "UV," or "VR" certificate of authorization issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
  3. No person may change the setting of a relief or safety valve unless the adjustment is witnessed and approved by a National Board commissioned inspector. All such external adjustments must be resealed showing the identification of the organization making the adjustments and the date. This is for Section IV vessels only.

Date Passed: Monday, June 24, 2013

Effective Date: Monday, July 1, 2013

ORD C34995 Section 3

September 26, 2024