City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.080
Section 17F.080.090

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.080 Fire Code

Section 17F.080.090 Additional Definitions – Section 202

There are added to IFC Section 202 the following definitions:

  1. “Cellar" is that portion of a building between floor and ceiling which is wholly or partly below grade and so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is equal to or greater than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling, provided the space does not meet the definition of a basement as defined in the International Building Code.
  1. "Central reporting system" is an approved system or group of systems, the operation of which is signaled to, recorded in, maintained, and supervised from an approved central station in which there are competent and experienced observers and operators in attendance at all times whose duty it shall be, upon receipt of a signal, to call the fire department and to take such action as shall be required under the rules established for their guidance. Such systems shall be controlled and operated by a person, firm, or corporation whose principal business is the furnishing and maintaining of supervised protective signaling service and who has no interest in the protected properties. Such approved system must be listed with Underwriters Laboratories or other approved listing agency.
  1. "Performance certificate" is a statement by the installer certifying that a system has been installed as approved by the fire official and tested in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
  1. "Registered servicer" is a natural person possessing a current license as provided in SMC 17F.080.270(A) and SMC 10.29.060(A).
  1. "Special areas to be protected" are the following areas of a building, which present a special need for fire detection whether the space is provided with fire sprinklers or not:
    1. Boiler and furnace rooms.
    2. Community kitchens.
    3. Community laundries.
    4. Custodial rooms.
    5. Locker rooms.
    6. Machine rooms.
    7. Parking garages.
    8. Public or community restrooms.
    9. Smoking rooms.
    10. Storage rooms.
    11. Supply rooms.
    12. Tool and shop areas.
    13. Trash rooms.
    14. Vertical shafts and adjacent spaces which convey fire.
    15. Public waiting areas.
    16. Mechanical and equipment rooms.
    17. Electrical, computer, and data rooms
    18. Other rooms or spaces as the fire official may designate.

Date Passed: Monday, December 7, 2020

Effective Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021

ORD C35989 Section 4

September 27, 2024