City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.080
Section 17F.080.110

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.080 Fire Code

Section 17F.080.110 Fire Alarm System Requirements
  1. The following Chart 907 depicts the minimum fire alarm system requirements for the City of Spokane. These requirements supplement the International Fire Code.
  1. Where heights are noted, they are from the lowest level of fire department apparatus access to the floor elevation of the highest occupied level.
  1. Existing fire alarm systems will be allowed to be used and repaired without upgrade as long as they are properly maintained. Buildings that are altered or additions exceeding fifty percent of the building area will require the fire alarm system to be upgraded to the current requirements.
  1. Smoke detectors will be the primary means of detection. Where environmental conditions warrant (rooms with moisture potential, outdoors, etc.) heat detectors are allowed. Smoke detectors in restrooms and janitor closets are discouraged.




All Except R3 and U

Atriums connecting more than two floors.
Lowest level of structure greater than sixty feet below grade.
Covered mall buildings.
Retroactive – IFC 1103.7.
Fire sprinkler monitoring for systems with 7 or more sprinklers.
Smoke detection required in common areas and interior corridors used for required exits in occupancies required to have automatic fire alarm.
Heat detectors are not required in spaces provided with quick response sprinklers in occupancies required to have automatic fire alarm.
Special areas to be protected are required to have fire alarm in occupancies required to have automatic fire alarm – See 
SMC 17F.080.090.
Central monitoring is required. A minimum of one notification device, one manual pull station, and one smoke detector is required.

Greater than fifty-five feet to floor

Tenant spaces exceeding one thousand square feet.
Voice notification is required.


Less than or equal to fifty children – Single station smoke detection is required.
Greater than fifty children to ninety-nine – Automatic.

Voice notification is required if more than ninety-nine occupants
Manual pull stations required at all exits of state licensed facilities.

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5

Automatic if greater than or equal to three hundred people or more than one hundred persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
Voice notification is required if occupancy is greater than or equal to one thousand people.
No manual pull stations required if fully sprinklered.


Automatic if greater than or equal to five hundred people.
Automatic if greater than or equal to one hundred people above or below exit level.
No manual pull stations required if fully sprinklered.
Area contains Group B Ambulatory health care.


Fifty one or more occupants.
Voice notification is required if more than one hundred and one occupants.
Exception for manual pulls (907.2.3).

F1, F2

Automatic if greater than five hundred persons above or below exit level.
No manual pull stations required if fully sprinklered.
Automatic is required when occupancy is two or more stories in height.

H1, H2, H3, H4

Not required unless other requirements apply.


Automatic for highly toxic gases, organic peroxides and oxidizers.

I1, I2, I3, I4

Manual pulls may be at staff-attended location.
Sleeping areas required to have single or multiple station smoke detection.
Manual pull stations required at all exits of State Licensed I4.

Automatic voice required in all I4 occupancies with more than one hundred one occupants.


Automatic if greater than or equal to five hundred people.
Automatic if greater than or equal to one hundred people above or below exit level.
Automatic if greater than twelve thousand square feet (SMC).
No manual pull stations required if fully sprinklered.

R1, R2

Automatic – Five or more units/guest rooms.
Not required for less than three levels with each unit having independent (not shared) direct exit to exterior.
One manual pull station per exit stair required if not fully sprinklered.
ADA Type A units will be provided with accessible communications features.
ADA Type B units will be pre-wired for building notification.


Single station smoke detection in sleeping areas and in hallways outside of sleeping areas.

S1, S2

None required unless other requirements apply.

Date Passed: Monday, December 7, 2020

Effective Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021

ORD C35989 Section 5

September 27, 2024