City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.080
Section 17F.080.455

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.080 Fire Code

Section 17F.080.455 Basement Extinguishing System

Fire sprinklers are required in existing basements exceeding one thousand five hundred square feet. Fire Sprinklers are not required for the following:

  1. A basement or cellar area that exceeds a gross floor area of one thousand five hundred square feet is divided into two areas so that one space is usable and the other space void. The usable space shall not exceed one thousand five hundred square feet. The usable space must contain an approved exit and must be separated by approved one-hour walls. The access to the void space may not exceed thirty inches by thirty inches and must be a listed and labeled access panel. No storage or other use of the void space is allowed. The occupancy of the usable space will be subject to all other provisions of the building and fire code.
  1. No electrical panels or equipment are allowed in the void space unless the void space is equipped with automatic fire sprinklers.
  1. A basement or cellar area that exceeds a gross floor area of one thousand five hundred square feet and is provided with exits directly to the exterior at floor grade that are within travel distance of 75 feet of all points in the basement.

Date Passed: Monday, December 7, 2020

Effective Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021

ORD C35989 Section 12

September 27, 2024