Title 17G Administration and Procedures
Chapter 17G.010 Building and Construction Permits
Section 17G.010.140 Applicant Requirements
Applications for ministerial permits categorically exempt from the threshold determination requirements of the state environmental policy act are submitted to the permit authority reviewed according to the provisions of this title or Spokane Municipal Code chapters. Depending upon the nature of the application, the permit authority might be the building official, fire official, street director, planning and economic development services director , or engineering services director.
- An applicant for building (and/or boiler, electrical, elevator, grading, mechanical, plumbing, sign) permit shall pay the prescribed fees and file an application upon forms furnished by the department of building services, which application:
- identifies and describes the work to be covered by the permit;
- describes the property on which the proposed work is to be done by legal description and street address assigned by engineering services or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed building or work;
- indicates the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended;
- is accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations, and specifications and other data as required;
- states the valuation of any new building or structure or any addition, remodeling, or alteration to an existing building; and
- identifies by name the owner and occupant of the premises.
- The applicant shall submit with each application, plans, engineering calculations, diagrams, specifications, and other data as necessary, drawn to scale, where applicable, upon substantial paper or cloth by a registered architect or professional engineer of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed, and showing in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of all applicable laws. The data to be submitted under this subsection include, in the case of:
- an electrical permit, the nature and kind of electric wiring, apparatus, fixtures, and equipment to be installed, altered or extended;
- installation of a boiler or unfired pressure vessel, manufacturer’s data reports;
- a permit for a sign, the location of the property line and building line, curb distance and height above grade;
- a building permit, a plot plan to scale showing the actual dimensions of the lot and the size, use and location of existing and proposed buildings;
- street obstruction or construction permission where design review is required pursuant to chapter 17G.040 SMC, a written statement from the planning and economic development services director indicating compliance with the design review process.
- The building official may waive or modify the requirements for an application as the nature of the work applied for dictates.
Date Passed: Monday, December 14, 2009 Effective Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Ordinance C34530 Section 25 |