Title 17H Engineering Standards
Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards
Section 17H.010.020 Design Variance Requests
- Deviations from the standards in this section must be submitted in writing to the city engineer and approved prior to the submittal of engineering plans for review.
- The decision criteria for a design variance request are provided below:
- Is the proposed variance part of an overall, thoughtful and comprehensive approach to the design of the project as a whole?
- Is the variance necessary to better address aspects of the site or its surroundings?
- Is the specific change superior in design quality and function to that potentially achieved by the development standard as written?
- Does the proposal meet the intent and the general direction set forth by the development standard as written?
- Will the proposal require additional maintenance or repair by the City or a property owners’ association compared to a standard street section?
- Does the proposal provide acceptable levels of accessibility, safety and convenience for all street users, including pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles and emergency service providers?
- Does the site design provide for adequate on-street and off-street parking to serve the area?
- Does the proposal provide a benefit to the community including improved safety, improved site design, the creation of street canopies through landscaping or secondary lot access through the use of alleys?
- Does the proposal use low impact development (LID) techniques and manage stormwater as outlined in the Eastern Washington LID Guidance Manual and the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual?
- Situations where the street design is constrained by topography, the size and shape of the property, the presence of critical areas or environmental resources, existing development, or existing narrow rights-of-way will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Potential additional cost to meet these development standards is not in itself justification for a design variance.
Date Passed: Monday, August 26, 2013 Effective Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 ORD C35021 Section 9 |