City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17H
Chapter 17H.010
Section 17H.010.090

Title 17H Engineering Standards

Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards

Section 17H.010.090 Private Streets and Private Access
  1. Residential private streets are allowed only in conjunction with an approved planned unit development, binding site plan or mobile home park. Lots within a pocket residential development may have frontage on a private street or private access. The written conditions of approval for the project must permit lot frontage on a private street or private access.
  2. Private streets and private access require the approval of the director of engineering services. New private streets are allowed only when street connectivity is unachievable, such as property that is isolated by topography or the configuration of existing lots and streets.
  3. Pedestrian access shall be provided from the private street or private access to an existing or future street or public pathway if vehicular access cannot be provided.
  4. Private streets or private access shall not obstruct traffic circulation or cut off future development from public access or utilities.
  5. Streets must be public if they are designed to connect to an adjacent site, or will serve lots on an adjacent site.
  6. Private streets shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards for public streets. Private access shall be improved in accordance with the development standards for parking lots as provided in SMC 17C.230.140.
  7. Private streets or private access require private water and sewer systems.
  8. Private streets or private access shall be owned in common by the owners of the property served by the private streets/private access or by a homeowners’ association. The tract shall be designated on the plat as a special purpose tract. Private access may be designated by a recorded easement. A maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the Spokane county auditor that commits the owner(s) to maintain all elements of the private street. Accessibility (snow plowing, etc) shall be maintained at all times for emergency vehicles.
  9. Transitions from public to private streets should not occur mid-block. Where a mid-block transition is unavoidable, a public turn-around designed to meet city standards shall be provided.

Date Passed: Monday, September 24, 2012

Effective Date: Friday, November 2, 2012

ORD C34915 Section 1

February 23, 2025