Title 17H Engineering Standards
Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards
Section 17H.010.160 Traffic Calming
- Allowable traffic calming features include traffic circles, chicanes, curb extensions, medians, entry-way treatments, landscaping, turn or access restrictions and other traffic calming features set forth in Chapter 3 of the Design Standards.
- The City’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming program provides opportunities for installing traffic calming devices on existing streets.
- Installation of traffic calming features through development actions will be evaluated on a case by case basis and approved by the City Engineer.
- All proposed traffic calming features will be evaluated based on posted speed, traffic volumes, pedestrian generators within the project area, roadway geometry, residential density and collision history as applicable.
- Traffic calming features shall not create a street maintenance, safety or parking enforcement problem.
Date Passed: Monday, November 30, 2020 Effective Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 ORD C35985 Section 7 |