Title 17H Engineering Standards
Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards
Section 17H.010.210 Crosswalks
- Generally, marked crosswalks are installed in centers and corridors (CC, DTC, DTG, DTS, DTU zones), adjacent to schools, parks, hospitals, churches, trail crossings and other significant pedestrian-generating facilities, at signalized intersections and at locations identified in the Pedestrian Master Plan.
- On arterial streets at locations identified in section A, marked crosswalks shall be installed at every intersection, on all legs accessible to pedestrians, when the street is reconstructed, resurfaced or when such crosswalks can be funded from grant or programmatic sources. Mid-block marked crosswalks may be installed on arterial streets where significant pedestrian traffic generators exist or where pedestrian conditions warrant. Exceptions to this section are allowed when engineering studies determine that a crosswalk proposed for marking does not meet nationally-recognized safety standards.
- Installation of marked crosswalks at locations other than those identified in subsection A requires an engineering study and the approval of the director of streets. Neighborhood councils shall be consulted and their input taken prior to installation or removal of a crosswalk.
- An advanced stop line shall be located in advance of each crosswalk at an arterial intersection and any mid-block crosswalk in locations defined in Section A, per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps shall be installed at all newly marked crosswalks. The preferred curb ramp design shall be directional (perpendicular or parallel), as defined by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidelines, where right-of-way and topography allow. Guidance per Federal Highway Administration Best Practices Design Guide shall inform curb ramp design.
- In the event a bus stop is planned, relocated or modified as part of the establishment of a new crosswalk or improvement thereto, the new bus stop shall meet ADA accessibility standards adopted by reference in 49 CFR 37. Any new bus stop shall not straddle or compromise a crosswalk.
- In centers and corridors (CC, DTC, DTG, DTS, DTU zones) on new, resurfaced, rehabilitated or reconstructed arterial intersections with three or more lanes and no traffic signal, marked crosswalks with a mid-point pedestrian refuge shall be constructed, unless in conflict with an adopted sub-area or neighborhood plan or contrary to the findings of an engineering study. Travel lane widths may be narrowed and/or the number of travel lanes may be reduced and/or additional, existing right-of-way may be utilized to accommodate pedestrian refuges. Pedestrian refuges shall be vegetated or treed or otherwise contain elements to establish a sense of place. Landscaping shall be designed and maintained to provide appropriate visibility between pedestrians and approaching motorists from both directions.
- Raised crosswalks may be installed in lieu of pedestrian refuges. Detectable warnings shall be included at the curb line on all raised crosswalks.
- The design of marked crosswalks on arterial streets shall meet guidance in the Federal Highway Administration Best Practices Design Guide, NACTO or other nationally recognized guidelines.
- Crosswalk markings and signs shall be maintained.
- Marked crosswalks shall only be removed on the recommendation of the City Engineer, after consultation with the neighborhood council and with City Council approval, which shall be authorized by resolution.
- The City administration should adopt policies and guidelines to implement the provisions of this section. Such policies and guidelines shall not conflict with the provisions of this section.
Date Passed: Monday, November 30, 2020 Effective Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 ORD C35985 Section 11 |