Title 17H Engineering Standards
Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards
Section 17H.010.220 Driveways
- No driveway shall be located so as to create a hazard to pedestrians or motorists, or invite or compel illegal or unsafe traffic movements. The edge of the driveway at the curb shall not extend past the end of radius of the curb of an adjoining street, nor into a crosswalk.
- Every driveway must provide access to an off-street parking area located on private property. Every vehicle entering the driveway must be able to park, stand, or load entirely off the street right-of-way, sidewalk or pathway.
- Garage and carport entrances must be set back at least twenty feet from the back of sidewalk.
- No parking is allowed in an alley. Garages and carports may be built to the rear property line unless parking in front of the entrance is proposed, then the structure must be a minimum of eighteen feet from the edge of the alley tract, easement or right-of-way.
- Unless otherwise approved by the director of engineering services, the entire nominal driveway width shall be confined within lines perpendicular to the curb line and passing through the property corners. Shared driveways will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
- No driveway shall be constructed in such a manner as to be a hazard to any existing drainage inlet, street lighting standard, utility pole, traffic regulating device, fire hydrant, or other public facility. The cost of relocating any such public facility, when necessary to do so, shall be borne by the applicant. Relocation of any public facility shall be performed in coordination with the agency holding authority for the structure.
- The total nominal width of all driveways on a street for any one ownership shall not exceed forty percent of the frontage.
- Circular drives may be approved by the City Engineer for traffic safety purposes on residential lots with at least fifty feet of frontage on a Principal or Minor Arterial. Circular drives must be consistent with current zoning regulations, although the City Engineer may approve exceptions to these requirements. If a public alley provides paved access, a circular drive is not allowed.
- Any driveway which has become abandoned, unused, or unnecessary for any reason, shall be closed and the owner shall replace any such driveway with curb and sidewalk matching adjacent improvements or constructed in accordance with the standard plans and specifications.
- Wherever, in a single ownership, the total width of existing driveways on a street is over forty percent of the frontage of the ownership on that street, or any driveways are wider than twenty feet, such existing driveways shall be made to conform to the provisions of this section upon the alteration or repair of any one or more of the driveways. The director of engineering services or the director of streets may require such changes in any or all the driveways of that ownership as he/she may deem necessary for the better movement of traffic or to provide better protection to pedestrians.
- An approach permit issued by the department of engineering services is required for the construction or modification of any driveway onto a public right-of-way. Plans and an operation analysis may be required as part of the review.
- In new developments, an approach permit is not required when driveway locations are shown on the approved street plans and the driveway drops are constructed in conjunction with the streets. However, if a driveway is to be relocated or modified, a new approach permit must be obtained prior to construction.
Date Passed: Monday, November 30, 2020 Effective Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 ORD C35985 Section 12 |