City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 18
Chapter 18.01
Section 18.01.040

Title 18 Human Rights

Chapter 18.01 Law Against Discrimination

Section 18.01.040 Reprisal or Retaliation

It is a violation of this chapter for any person to engage in discrimination as defined in this Title 18, engage in a reprisal or retaliation against an individual because that individual has in good faith opposed the use of a practice forbidden by this Title 18, or has filed a complaint, testified, assisted or participated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing under this Title 18 or has attempted to do so.

Date Passed: Monday, March 27, 2017

Effective Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017

ORD C35485 Section 2

September 26, 2024