Title 18 Human Rights
Chapter 18.11 Language Access in Municipal Proceedings
Section 18.11.030 Directive to Create Language Access Plan
All departments shall develop and implement a Language Access Program as provided in this chapter. Each LAP shall include elements to ensure Cultural and Linguistic Competency and Cultural Humility, and shall consist of both translation of written materials and interpretation of proceedings, as follows:
- Written Translation Elements. Each department LAP shall include the following elements to provide for written translation of City of Spokane documents:
- A process to review all Vital Documents and Public Communication Materials regularly generated or received by said department, and which are intended for broad distribution to inform or educate residents of the City of Spokane, to ensure that communications are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the Target Audience.
- A process to identify Vital Documents suitable for written translation into the Established Languages and additional languages when requested.
- A summary document, available in at least Established Languages, that provides overview information about the department and its services. This document will be incorporated into printed materials and will be posted on departmental website home pages.
- A process and projected timeline for translation of Vital Documents and Public Communications Materials into Established Languages.
- A process and projected timeline for incorporating alternative forms of language assistance rather than translation when the alternative would be more effective or practical, including, but not limited to, technical, real-time translation via software, machine learning, or artificial intelligence.
- In conjunction with the Office of Civil Rights, Equity and Inclusion, a written plan for initial and regular training for department employees, focusing on the proficient utilization of language access programs, software, and associated procedures, as well as developing initiatives aimed at enhancing cultural awareness among employees who regularly interact with the public.
- A plan to develop and implement emergency communications consistent with section 18.11.040 of this chapter.
- Interpretation Elements. Each LAP shall include the following elements to provide for interpretation of City of Spokane services and proceedings:
- Procedures for notifying City residents of the availability of interpreter services for City of Spokane business and operations. Such information shall be prominently displayed using Established Languages in City Hall and in other City property serving the general public.
- A process for providing timely interpretation services for LEP residents when interacting with City employees who have regular contact with the public.
- A process for providing interpretation services that ensure meaningful civic participation in City council proceedings as well as proceedings of City boards, committees or commissions.
Date Passed: Monday, October 16, 2023 Effective Date: Thursday, November 23, 2023 ORD C36449 Section 1 |