Title 10 Regulation of Activities
Division II. License Code
Chapter 10.40 Itine rant Vendors
Section 10.40.010 Iti
ne rant Vendor Designation & Permit - When Required
A regular or temporary busine ss issued a registration under chapter 8.01 SMC must obtain a separate “itine rant vendor” permit from the City of Spokane taxes and licenses division under any of the following circumstances:
Where the person is engaged in the busine ss of selling or delivering goods or services within the City from a fixed or temporary location as an itine rant vendor, except those vendors operating under the provisions of chapter 10.51 SMC Mobile Food Vending shall not be considered itine rant vendors.
Examples are people selling prepackaged food or wares from roving vehicles in the streets, except mobile food vendors. (Cross Reference: SMC 8.01.220 and chapter 10.51 SMC .).
Where the person travels from door to door as the principle means of conducting busine ss offering, exposing for sale, or selling within the City any goods, merchandise, service or product.
Where the person engages in any busine ss in the City with no permane nt location. (Cross Reference: SMC 8.01.070 ).
A person who engages in constitutionally protected expressive activities in the public right-of-way shall not be required to obtain a busine ss registration unless the person engages in busine ss activities. Constitutionally protected expressive activities conducted in the public right-of-way shall include, but is not limited to, street performers. For the purposes of this section, a street performer means an individual, including street musicians, who performs any form of artistic expression. The voluntary contribution of mone y or other items of value by members of the public to the individual in association with the expressive activity shall not result in the requirement of obtaining a busine ss registration. A person who engages in constitutionally protected expressive activities in the public right-of-way must still comply with all other regulations regarding conduct in the public right-of-way.
Date Passed: Monday, June 23, 2014
Effective Date: Friday, August 8, 2014
ORD C35097 Section 2