Title 01 General Provisions
Chapter 01.01 Adoption of Code
Section 01.01.070 Publication of Code
The Spokane Municipal Code shall be published pursuant to the following schedule and standards:
- The Spokane Municipal Code shall be republished on a calendar quarterly basis at the end of each calendar quarter.
- Each republication of the code shall include publication on the City’s website at the time of each republication.
- Publication on the City’s website shall include a search engine at the site of each republished code that is for the context of the code.
- Copies of each republication of the code shall be made available for download on the City’s website. The City will also provide a text-based format on CD to any database provider upon request, free of charge.
Date Passed: Monday, January 22, 2007
Effective Date: Sunday, March 4, 2007
Recodification ORD C33969 Section 1