City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

***Note: Many local criminal codes can now be located under Chapter 10.60 SMC while others are now cited under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), which was incorporated into the municipal code in 2022. (See SMC 10.58.010). Code Enforcement, including Noise Control and Animal Regulations are located in Chapters 10.62 through 10.74.

Title 03
Chapter 03.07
Section 03.07.120

Title 03 Administration and Personnel

Chapter 03.07 Personnel Regulations

Section 03.07.120 Personal Automobile Allowance
  1. The amount of the personal automobile allowance in each case is based upon the established costs of use of the fleet automo­bile which would otherwise be furnished.
  1. The director of fleet services from time to time determines and reports, to the satisfac­tion of and in accordance with the rules pre­scribed by the mayor, the cost of each fleet vehicle. Such cost schedule includes fixed and capital costs, averaged as necessary, as well as maintenance and operating expenses, expressed as a cost per mile driven, based on recent mileage records.
  1. The amount of an employee’s personal auto­mobile allowance is determined by the mayor as provided in SMC 12.07.020. The allow­ance may be computed on a mileage rate, may be a fixed dollar amount on the assump­tion that the number of miles driven on offi­cial business will continue to be the same as shown by the records maintained for the City vehicle being replaced, or may be calculated by some other appropriate method. As pre­scribed by the division director of finance, treasury and administration, each employee receiving a personal automo­bile allowance records actual business miles driven, or files a verified claim, or submits such other documentation as required by the method used to determine the amount of the allowance.
  1. The amount of any personal automobile allowance is subject to adjustment by the mayor as warranted by change in extent of use, cost of operations, assigned duties, appli­cable state or federal laws or regulations, or other causes.

Date Passed: Monday, February 26, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Recodification ORD C33984 Section 1