City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

***Note: Many local criminal codes can now be located under Chapter 10.60 SMC while others are now cited under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), which was incorporated into the municipal code in 2022. (See SMC 10.58.010). Code Enforcement, including Noise Control and Animal Regulations are located in Chapters 10.62 through 10.74.

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0508

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article V. Grease Control Devices, Oil/water Separators, Sand Traps

Section 13.03.0508 Grease Control Devices, Oil/water Separators, Sand Traps—Maintenance
  1. All grease control devices, oil/water separators, and sand traps shall be maintained by the owner, at his or her expense and liability, in good order and condition at all times. Existing grease control devices connected to public sewer shall be, cleaned, inspected, and adequately documented per Subsection C. If the grease control device, oil/water separator, or sand trap fails the inspection as not being up to City standards, such device will have to be repaired or replaced at the owner’s expense.
  1. Grease control devices, oil/water separators, and sand traps shall be cleaned on a sufficient frequency to prevent objectionable odors, surcharge of the grease control device, obstruction, or interference with the operation of the sanitary sewer system. All devices must be maintained as described below, or in a manner and frequency consistent with manufacturer specifications and guidance.
    1. Hydromechanical grease interceptors shall be cleaned at least once every thirty days, or when the device is filled to twenty-five percent or more of capacity with grease or settled solids, whichever comes first.
    1. Gravity grease interceptors shall be cleaned by a wastewater hauler at least once every ninety days, or when the last chamber is filled to twenty-five percent or more of capacity with grease or settled solids, whichever comes first. Grease interceptors with a sample box shall be cleaned immediately when grease is evident in the sample box.
    1. Mechanical grease removal devices must be maintained in a manner and frequency consistent with manufacturer specifications and guidance.
    1. Oil/water separators and sand traps shall be serviced by a licensed waste disposal company when the sediment in the bottom of the device exceeds six inches in depth, when accumulated trash or debris is observed, or when there is one inch or more of floating oil, whichever comes first.
    1. Grease control devices and oil/water separators shall be cleaned by being pumped dry and all accumulated sludge on all surfaces shall be removed by washing down the sides, baffles, and tees. Water removed during cleaning shall not be returned to the grease control device or the oil/water separator, nor the downstream sewer.
    1. The use of chemical or biological additives, enzymes or surfactants acting as grease emulsifiers is not permitted as a method for cleaning the grease control device.
  1. Users shall maintain records on site for a period of at least three years as follows:
    1. Users with an installed grease control device or oil/water separator shall maintain records showing that the control device has been properly maintained and cleaned as required by Subsections A and B.
    1. Users shall maintain records showing the following related to all wastes hauled off site: date and time material removed off site; volume removed; licensed wastewater hauler or hazardous waste disposal company name.
  1. Grease control devices shall be kept free of inorganic solid materials, such as grit, rocks, gravel, sand, eating utensils, cigarettes, shells, towels, rags, etc.
  1. The director may grant an exception to the requirements of Subsections B.2 where the director finds, based on evidence presented by the user, that a less frequent cleaning schedule will be sufficient to assure that not more than twenty-five percent of the capacity of the grease control device will be filled with grease or settled solids.
  1. The director may conduct an inspection of grease control devices, sand traps, and oil/water separators. The user shall make all facilities accessible for inspection, and shall provide inspection and maintenance records. The cost of the inspections, any repairs to the public sewer, and any cleaning of the public sewer, necessitated by a lack of proper maintenance of the user’s facilities, shall be billed as an additional utility service to the user.

Date Passed: Thursday, November 14, 2024

Effective Date: Friday, December 20, 2024

ORD C36602 Section 4