Title 13 Public Utilities and Services
Chapter 13.11 Senior or Disabled Residential Customer
Section 13.11.040 Application
The City provides water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste services to its citizens and customers. Not all utility service accounts within the City’s service areas receive all services. For example, there are some accounts, which are served water only. Therefore, the application of the senior or disabled residential customer credit is on a proportionate basis with 1/3 of the credit being applied for water services; 1/3 of the credit being applied for wastewater services and 1/3 of the credit being applied for solid waste collection services. For those accounts, which only have one service, the credit would be 1/3 of the total designated amount.
Date Passed: Monday, August 28, 2017
Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2018
ORD C35525 Section 5