Title 17D City-wide Standards
Chapter 17D.090 Erosion and Sediment Control
Section 17D.090.180 Performance Standards
The performance standards set forth below are intended to provide a minimum threshold for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation caused by ground-disturbing activities and will be used to determine if the requirements of this chapter have been met:
- Minimize Tracking onto Public and Private Streets.
The performance standard for minimizing tracking onto public and private streets has not been met if soil, dirt, mud, or debris is tracked onto a public or private street and there is no evidence of reasonably trying to control it through the use of one or more erosion and sediment control BMPs.
- Protection of Public Streets and Stormwater Facilities.
The performance standard for protecting public streets and stormwater facilities has not been met if there is deposition other than tracking, of more than two gallons (twenty-seven one-hundredths cubic feet) per day of soil, dirt, mud, or debris from the project site onto adjacent public streets and/or in a stormwater system within a public right-of-way.
- Proper Washout of Concrete Trucks and Equipment.
The performance standard for ensuring the proper washout of concrete trucks and equipment has not been met if there is observation or evidence of concrete washout material within a drainage area, stormwater facility, water body, or area where a stormwater facility is proposed.
- Protection of Water Bodies and Wetlands.
The performance standard for protection of water bodies has not been met if there is deposition of any quantity of soil, dirt, mud, or debris from the project site into adjacent water bodies and wetlands.
Date Passed: Monday, March 8, 2010
Effective Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010
ORD C34565 Section 1