City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 10
Chapter 10.27A

Title 10 Regulation of Activities

Chapter 10.27A Cable Communications Code

Section 10.27A.900 REPEALED (Cable Advisory Board)
Section 10.27A.905 REPEALED (Regional Cable Advisory Board)

Article I. General

Section 10.27A.010 Title
Section 10.27A.015 Revision of Chapter 10.27 SMC
Section 10.27A.020 Purpose
Section 10.27A.030 Applicability
Section 10.27A.040 Definitions
Section 10.27A.100 Requirement of a Franchise
Section 10.27A.110 General Franchise Characteristics
Section 10.27A.120 Franchise as a Contract
Section 10.27A.140 Subject Authority
Section 10.27A.150 No Waiver of Terms

Article II. Franchise Applications

Section 10.27A.200 Filing of Applications
Section 10.27A.210 Content of Applications
Section 10.27A.230 Applicant Representatives
Section 10.27A.240 Consideration of Applications
Section 10.27A.245 Renewal
Section 10.27A.250 Acceptance

Article III. Franchise Conditions

Section 10.27A.300 Franchise Term
Section 10.27A.310 Franchise Fee
Section 10.27A.315 Publication Costs
Section 10.27A.320 Insurance – Bonds – Indemnity
Section 10.27A.330 Performance Security
Section 10.27A.340 Liquidated Damages
Section 10.27A.350 Forfeiture and Termination
Section 10.27A.360 Foreclosure
Section 10.27A.370 Receivership
Section 10.27A.380 Purchase of Cable System by City
Section 10.27A.390 Removal of Cable System
Section 10.27A.395 Transfer of Ownership or Control
Section 10.27A.400 Subscriber Fees and Rates
Section 10.27A.410 Reports
Section 10.27A.420 Records
Section 10.27A.430 Filings
Section 10.27A.500 System Technical Standards
Section 10.27A.510 Access and Local Programming
Section 10.27A.520 Leased Access
Section 10.27A.530 Public Drops
Section 10.27A.540 Institutional Services
Section 10.27A.550 Standby Power
Section 10.27A.560 Parental Control
Section 10.27A.570 Emergency Audio Alert System
Section 10.27A.600 Construction Standards
Section 10.27A.610 Construction and Installation Work
Section 10.27A.620 Location of Structures, Lines and Equipment
Section 10.27A.630 Replacement of Paving
Section 10.27A.640 Additional General Provisions
Section 10.27A.650 Trimming Trees
Section 10.27A.660 Delays in Construction
Section 10.27A.680 Repair of Damages
Section 10.27A.700 Provision of Service
Section 10.27A.710 Refunds and Service Terminations
Section 10.27A.720 Franchise Area
Section 10.27A.730 Protection of Privacy
Section 10.27A.740 Tampering or Unauthorized Connections
Section 10.27A.750 Continuity of Service
Section 10.27A.760 Transitional Operation
Section 10.27A.770 Equal Opportunity Employment
Section 10.27A.780 Additional Consumer Protection
Section 10.27A.800 Interconnection – Construction Standards
Section 10.27A.810 Interconnection – Cooperation

September 26, 2024