City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.075

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.075 Transportation Impact Fees

Section 17D.075.010 Findings and Authority
Section 17D.075.020 Definitions
Section 17D.075.030 Concurrency
Section 17D.075.040 Assessment of Impact Fees
Section 17D.075.050 Independent Fee Calculations
Section 17D.075.060 Exemptions
Section 17D.075.070 Fee Reductions and Credits
Section 17D.075.080 Administrative Costs
Section 17D.075.090 Appeals
Section 17D.075.100 Establishment of Impact Fee Account
Section 17D.075.110 Refunds
Section 17D.075.120 Use of Funds
Section 17D.075.130 Administrative Guidelines
Section 17D.075.140 Review
Section 17D.075.150 Authorization for Interlocal Agreements
Section 17D.075.160 Existing Authority Unimpaired
Section 17D.075.170 Severability
Section 17D.075.180 Appendix A – Impact Fee Schedule
Section 17D.075.190 Appendix B – Service Area Map
Section 17D.075.200 Appendix C – Trip Rates, Pass-By Trips, and Trip Length Adjustment Factors
Section 17D.075.210 Appendix D – Impact Fee Project List

September 26, 2024