City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.075
Section 17D.075.060

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.075 Transportation Impact Fees

Section 17D.075.060 Exemptions
  1. The City Council finds that development of (i) manufacturing and production facilities (see SMC 17C.190.320), (ii) industrial service (see SMC 17C.190.310), (iii) warehouse and freight movement (see SMC 17C.190.340), (iv) hotels and motels, (v) office uses (see SMC 17C.190.250), and (vi) residential household living uses (see SMC 17C.190.110) within the boundaries of the Northeast Public Development Authority and the West Plains/Airport Area Public Development Authority may, in the appropriate circumstances, have broad public purposes and therefore may be exempted from the payment of impact fees within the process provided by this section.
  1. Requests for the exemptions set forth in subsection A of this Section 17D.075.060 shall be submitted to the Department on such forms as the Director may provide. The Director shall make a threshold determination whether the particular development activity described in the request for an exemption falls within the parameters of SMC 17D.075.060(A) and whether funds are available. If so, the Director shall provide a recommendation to the City Council concerning the request for an exemption, which Council may grant or deny in an open public meeting.
  1. The impact fee for an exempt development shall be calculated as provided for in this Chapter and paid with public funds other than the impact fee account. Such payment may be made by including such amount(s) in the public share of system improvements undertaken within the applicable service area.
  1. On an annual basis, simultaneous with the report required under Section 17D.075.100, the Director shall provide a report to the council regarding the exemptions approved under this Section and the status of public funds available to pay the impact fees that would have otherwise been paid by the exempted development activity.

Date Passed: Monday, September 16, 2019

Effective Date: Saturday, November 2, 2019

ORD C35811 Section 3

September 26, 2024