City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 12
Chapter 12.02
Section 12.02.0308

Title 12 Public Ways and Property

Chapter 12.02 Obstruction, Encroachment of Public Ways

Article II. Underground Utility Vaults – Sidewalk Installments

Section 12.02.0308 City may Proceed to Perform

Upon notice to the owner and failure of the owner to comply with any obligation imposed herein or reasonable order of the director of engineering services deemed necessary to protect and preserve the public right-of-way or otherwise protect the public health and safety, the City may proceed to accomplish such obligation or order at the owner’s sole expense and liability. This section also specifically applies to requests for relocation or removal occasioned by modifications or repairs or regrading or repaving of the public right-of-way.

Date Passed: Monday, June 25, 2007

Effective Date: Saturday, August 4, 2007

Recodification ORD C34053 Section 1

September 27, 2024