City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 12
Chapter 12.02

Title 12 Public Ways and Property

Chapter 12.02 Obstruction, Encroachment of Public Ways

Section 12.02.005 Purpose
Section 12.02.010 Snow Removal – Owner, Occupant Duties
Section 12.02.060 Fences and Hedges – Incidental Encroachments
Section 12.02.902 REPEALED
Section 12.02.904 REPEALED
Section 12.02.906 REPEALED
Section 12.02.908 REPEALED
Section 12.02.912 REPEALED
Section 12.02.914 REPEALED
Section 12.02.916 REPEALED
Section 12.02.918 REPEALED
Section 12.02.930 REPEALED
Section 12.02.932 REPEALED
Section 12.02.934 REPEALED
Section 12.02.936 REPEALED
Section 12.02.938 REPEALED
Section 12.02.940 REPEALED
Section 12.02.942 REPEALED
Section 12.02.944 REPEALED
Section 12.02.945 REPEALED
Section 12.02.946 REPEALED
Section 12.02.948 REPEALED
Section 12.02.950 REPEALED
Section 12.02.952 REPEALED
Section 12.02.956 REPEALED
Section 12.02.958 REPEALED

Article I. Vegetation Obstruction – Nuisance

Section 12.02.0202 Overhanging Vegetation to be Removed
Section 12.02.0203 Traffic Control Device Visibility
Section 12.02.0208 General Nuisance Declaration
Section 12.02.0210 Lawful Powers Reserved – Costs of Abatement

Article II. Underground Utility Vaults – Sidewalk Installments

Section 12.02.0302 Application
Section 12.02.0304 Permission Required
Section 12.02.0306 Obligations
Section 12.02.0308 City may Proceed to Perform
Section 12.02.0310 Underground Sidewalk Openings
Section 12.02.0312 No Interference – Sidewalk Underground Installations
Section 12.02.0314 Sidewalk Vaults – Thickness, Support
Section 12.02.0316 Proximity to Curb
Section 12.02.0318 Spacing for Sidewalk Openings
Section 12.02.0320 Insurance – Underground Sidewalk Openings
Section 12.02.0322 Openings to Remain Closed – Use – Guards
Section 12.02.0324 Warning of Opening
Section 12.02.0326 Stairways – Guard
Section 12.02.0328 Sidewalk Openings – Covers
Section 12.02.0330 International Building Code

Article III. Skywalks

Section 12.02.0405 Findings
Section 12.02.0410 Policy – Purpose
Section 12.02.0420 Application Required
Section 12.02.0422 Filing
Section 12.02.0424 Evaluation by Hearing Examiner
Section 12.02.0426 Criteria – Impact – Comprehensive Plan
Section 12.02.0428 Issuance – Denial
Section 12.02.0430 Agreement - Conditions - Indemnification
Section 12.02.0434 Maintenance
Section 12.02.0440 Disruption of Public Facilities
Section 12.02.0450 REPEALED (Design)
Section 12.02.0452 Further Specifications
Section 12.02.0460 REPEALED (Dimensions – Angulation – Slope)
Section 12.02.0462 REPEALED (Arch – Vertical Clearance)
Section 12.02.0464 Obstructions – Malls and Walkways
Section 12.02.0470 Signs – Lighting
Section 12.02.0472 Level of Connection
Section 12.02.0474 REPEALED (Street Access)
Section 12.02.0476 Limitation on Permits
Section 12.02.0480 Public Access – Expansion
Section 12.02.0484 Property Owner Access
Section 12.02.0490 Arbitration – Council Action
Section 12.02.0492 Arbitration – Procedures
Section 12.02.0494 Cost Apportionment Guidelines
Section 12.02.0496 Cost Apportionment – Latecomers – Intrablock
Section 12.02.0500 Hours of Operation
Section 12.02.0505 Early Permit Termination - Compensation
Section 12.02.0510 Revocation – Suspension
Section 12.02.0512 Hearing Examiner Review
Section 12.02.0514 City Council Action – Revocation, Suspension
Section 12.02.0518 Assignment – Relinquishment
Section 12.02.0520 Exceptions

Article IV. Obstruction of Public Right-of-way

Section 12.02.0704 Definitions
Section 12.02.0706 Permits Required
Section 12.02.0707 Master Annual Permit for High Volume Users
Section 12.02.0708 Conditions of Permission
Section 12.02.0710 Director May Restore Public Way
Section 12.02.0712 Temporary Repairs
Section 12.02.0714 Notice of Completion – Penalty for Delay
Section 12.02.0716 Long Term Permits – Temporary Passageway
Section 12.02.0718 Insurance
Section 12.02.0720 Performance Bond Requirements
Section 12.02.0722 Indemnification
Section 12.02.0723 Excavations
Section 12.02.0724 Barriers and Traffic Control
Section 12.02.0726 Denial – Revocation of Permits
Section 12.02.0730 Sidewalk Special Use
Section 12.02.0735 Regulations
Section 12.02.0737 Obstruction of the Public Right of Way
Section 12.02.0740 Fees - Notice of Commencing Work
Section 12.02.0745 Utilities and Cable TV
Section 12.02.0750 Loading or Unloading on Sidewalks
Section 12.02.0755 Bus Benches / Transit Shelter Located in the Public Right-of-way

Article V. Urban Forestry Program

Section 12.02.900 Findings, Purpose, and Intent
Section 12.02.905 Spokane Urban Forestry Plan and Goals
Section 12.02.910 Definitions
Section 12.02.915 Urban Forestry Program
Section 12.02.920 Hazard Evaluation Criteria
Section 12.02.925 Abutting Owner Responsibilities – City Tree Maintenance List
Section 12.02.954 REPEALED
Section 12.02.960 Tree Permit Required
Section 12.02.965 Removal, Pruning of Trees and Shrubs
Section 12.02.970 Tree Protection, Conservation and Preservation
Section 12.02.975 Protection of Public and Private Historic and Heritage Trees
Section 12.02.980 Disposal of Urban Forest Products
Section 12.02.985 Appeal

Article VI. Protection of Public Lands and Properties

Section 12.02.1000 Purpose
Section 12.02.1002 Definitions
Section 12.02.1003 Protection Against Harm to Waterways
Section 12.02.1004 Injury to Tree on Public Property - Violation
Section 12.02.1006 Unlawful Burning on Public Property
Section 12.02.1008 Unlawful Disposal of Litter on Public Property
Section 12.02.1010 Unauthorized Camping on Public Property – Violation
Section 12.02.1011 Removal of Unauthorized Encampments and Individual Camps
Section 12.02.1012 Severability

September 26, 2024