City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 12
Chapter 12.02
Section 12.02.0712

Title 12 Public Ways and Property

Chapter 12.02 Obstruction, Encroachment of Public Ways

Article IV. Obstruction of Public Right-of-way

Section 12.02.0712 Temporary Repairs

  1. If, in the judgment of the director, it is not appropriate to patch or otherwise restore the public way, in part or in whole, in a permanent manner, because of soil conditions, weather, or other causes, the director may direct that the permittee lay a temporary patch of suitable material designated by the director until such time as a permanent repair is appropriate.
  2. Temporary repair measures ordered by the director must be promptly commenced, in no event longer than twenty-four hours after the notice of an order is given, or earlier, if the director deems it required by imminent circumstances. Such repairs must be promptly completed.
  3. In default of prompt accomplishment of temporary repairs in the manner directed, the City may proceed at once to accomplish the same at the permittee’s expense and liability.

Date Passed: Monday, June 25, 2007

Effective Date: Saturday, August 4, 2007

Recodification ORD C34053 Section 1

September 27, 2024