City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 12
Chapter 12.02
Section 12.02.0750

Title 12 Public Ways and Property

Chapter 12.02 Obstruction, Encroachment of Public Ways

Article IV. Obstruction of Public Right-of-way

Section 12.02.0750 Loading or Unloading on Sidewalks

The loading or unloading of goods and commodities used or required in the ordinary course of business conducted in the building abutting any sidewalk is permitted when there is no other practical or convenient way of access to the building. All such loading and unloading shall be done continuously and with dispatch and the sidewalk cleared of all such articles without delay, and an adequate portion of the sidewalk shall be kept open at all times for use by pedestrians.

Date Passed: Monday, June 25, 2007

Effective Date: Saturday, August 4, 2007

Recodification ORD C34053 Section 1

September 27, 2024