City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0302

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article III. General Requirements

Section 13.03.0302 Mandatory Sewer Service – No Rights Created – Charge to Unconnected, Occupied Property
  1. No wastewater, except stormwater, subject to applicable stormwater requirements, may be directly discharged into a natural outlet within the City of Spokane. All wastewater, sewage, wastes and waters, except stormwater, must be discharged into the POTW of the City of Spokane and/or into authorized on-site sewage disposal systems. This obligation applies to the owner of premises and to persons in possession, charge or control of the premises where prohibited discharges either originate or occur.
  1. This chapter does not create rights for any individual or group to require construction of public sewers, connection thereto, or otherwise to receive sewer service from the City. The City reserves all rights to deny limit or curtail service.
  1. Charge to Unconnected, Occupied Property.
    1. The city council finds that the City is within a sole-source aquifer area. On-site sewage systems serving occupied premises should be discouraged to avoid degradation of the aquifer.
    1. Occupied property derives a substantial benefit from the immediate availability of public sewer service, in addition to benefits from specific charges such as a general facilities charge or local improvement district assessments.
    1. On-site sewage systems tend to delay the installation of sewer lines. Because sewers are the deepest utility in underground location, where sewer lines are delayed as an area continues to develop, a substantially greater expense arises to put in sewer lines beneath other utilities and fixtures which have been installed and pavement.
    1. The charge for nonconnection of occupied premises to a public sewer where service is available shall be the rate assessed for such sewer service, except where prohibited by law.
      1. For purposes of this section, service “availability” is determined by the director, consistent with this chapter.

Date Passed: Monday, October 15, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Recodification ORD C34122 Section 1

September 26, 2024