City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Section 13.03.0000 Title
Section 13.03.1003 Purpose and Allocation
Section 13.03.1004 Basic Domestic Service Charge – Monthly Amount
Section 13.03.1006 User Charge – Standard Strength Wastewater – Monthly Amount
Section 13.03.1008 Domestic and Commercial User Charges Inside City – Monthly Amount
Section 13.03.1010 Domestic and Commercial User Charges – Outside City Customer – Monthly Amount
Section 13.03.1011 PDA Sewer and Stormwater Rates
Section 13.03.1012 Septage Charge – Amount
Section 13.03.1014 REPEALED (Service Outside City Utility Service Area – Monthly Amount)
Section 13.03.1016 REPEALED (Non-domestic Process Wastewater User Charge – Monthly Amount)
Section 13.03.1018 Landfill Wastewater Pump and Treat Services – Amount
Section 13.03.1020 Cesspool and Miscellaneous Charges – Amount
Section 13.03.1022 Refuse Dumpster Maintenance Charge – Amount
Section 13.03.1112 “Commercial User Charge”
Section 13.03.1202 Single-dwelling Units – Family Daycare Home
Section 13.03.1226 Water—Wastewater Capital Rates
Section 13.03.1312 User Charge Based on Volume

Article I. Definitions

Section 13.03.0100 Definitions
Section 13.03.0101 Abbreviations
Section 13.03.0103 REPEALED (“Act”)
Section 13.03.0105 REPEALED (“Applicable Pretreatment Standard”)
Section 13.03.0107 REPEALED (“Approval Authority”)
Section 13.03.0109 REPEALED (“Authorized Representative of the User”)
Section 13.03.0111 “B.O.D.”
Section 13.03.0113 “Building Drain”
Section 13.03.0115 REPEALED (“Categorical Pretreatment Standard” or “Categorical Standard”)
Section 13.03.0117 “Combined Sewer”
Section 13.03.0119 REPEALED (“Composite Sample”)
Section 13.03.0121 “Director” or “POTW Director”
Section 13.03.0123 REPEALED (“Discharge” – Direct, Indirect)
Section 13.03.0125 REPEALED (“Grab Sample”)
Section 13.03.0127 “Industrial Process Wastewater” or “Process Wastewater”
Section 13.03.0129 REPEALED (“Interference”)
Section 13.03.0131 “Lateral” or “Lateral Sewer”
Section 13.03.0133 “Lower Explosive Limit”
Section 13.03.0137 REPEALED (“National Pretreatment Standards”)
Section 13.03.0139 “Natural Outlet”
Section 13.03.0141 REPEALED (“New Source” – “New User”)
Section 13.03.0143 “Noncontact Cooling Water”
Section 13.03.0145 “Non-standard Strength Sewage”
Section 13.03.0147 “NPDES”
Section 13.03.0149 “On-site Sewage Disposal System”
Section 13.03.0151 REPEALED (“Pass-through”)
Section 13.03.0153 “pH”
Section 13.03.0155 REPEALED (“Pollutant”)
Section 13.03.0157 REPEALED (“POTW”)
Section 13.03.0159 REPEALED (“Pretreatment”)
Section 13.03.0161 REPEALED (“Pretreatment Program”)
Section 13.03.0163 REPEALED (“Pretreatment Requirements”)
Section 13.03.0165 REPEALED (“Pretreatment Standard” or “Standard”)
Section 13.03.0167 “Private Pump Station”
Section 13.03.0169 “Private Sewer”
Section 13.03.0171 “Private Storm Sewer”
Section 13.03.0173 REPEALED (“Prohibited Discharge Standards” or “Prohibited Discharges”)
Section 13.03.0175 “Public Sewer”
Section 13.03.0177 “Sanitary Sewage”
Section 13.03.0179 “Sanitary Sewer”
Section 13.03.0181 “Sewage”
Section 13.03.0183 “Sewer”
Section 13.03.0185 “Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor”
Section 13.03.0187 “Side Sewer”
Section 13.03.0189 “Side Sewer Stub”
Section 13.03.0191 REPEALED (“Significant Industrial User”)
Section 13.03.0193 REPEALED (“Slugload”)
Section 13.03.0195 “Special Side Sewer”
Section 13.03.0197 “Standard Strength Sewage”
Section 13.03.0199 “Stormwater”
Section 13.03.0201 “Storm Sewer” or “Storm Drain”
Section 13.03.0203 “Suspended Solids”
Section 13.03.0205 “System of Sewerage”
Section 13.03.0207 “Total Solids”
Section 13.03.0209 REPEALED (“Twenty-four Hour Flow-proportional Composite Sample”)
Section 13.03.0211 REPEALED (“Upset”)
Section 13.03.0213 REPEALED (“User” or “Industrial User”)
Section 13.03.0215 “Wastewater”
Section 13.03.0216 Grease Control Devise(s)
Section 13.03.0217 Grease Interceptor
Section 13.03.0218 Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor
Section 13.03.0219 Mechanical Grease Removal Device.
Section 13.03.0220 Oil/Water Separator.
Section 13.03.0221 Sand Trap.
Section 13.03.0222 Septic Tank.
Section 13.03.0223 Wastewater Hauler.

Article III. General Requirements

Section 13.03.0302 Mandatory Sewer Service – No Rights Created – Charge to Unconnected, Occupied Property
Section 13.03.0304 On-site Sewage Disposal Systems – Policy to Limit
Section 13.03.0306 Proper Connection of All Premises
Section 13.03.0308 Easement – Agreement to Maintain Private Sewer
Section 13.03.0310 Multiple-dwelling Units – Duties of Owners and Occupants
Section 13.03.0312 Disorders on Private Premises – Prompt Repairs
Section 13.03.0314 Non-standard Strength Sewage – Special Arrangements
Section 13.03.0316 Duty Imposed – Who is Responsible
Section 13.03.0318 Unlawful to Dispose of Sewage
Section 13.03.0320 Prohibited Uses of Sanitary Sewer
Section 13.03.0322 Use of Storm Sewers, Combined Sewers, Natural Outlets
Section 13.03.0324 Prohibited Uses of Public Sewers
Section 13.03.0326 Obstructing Sewer Prohibited
Section 13.03.0328 Breaking Structures, Appurtenances Prohibited
Section 13.03.0330 Unauthorized Connection to Public Sewer

Article IV. Pretreatment

Section 13.03.0402 REPEALED (Objectives – Application)
Section 13.03.0404 REPEALED (Prohibited Discharge Standards – General Prohibitions)
Section 13.03.0406 REPEALED (Prohibited Discharge Standards – Specific Prohibitions)
Section 13.03.0408 REPEALED (Prohibited Discharge Standards – Prevention – To Whom Applicable)
Section 13.03.0410 REPEALED (Prohibited Discharge Standards – Affirmative Defenses)
Section 13.03.0412 REPEALED (Categorical Pretreatment Standards)
Section 13.03.0414 REPEALED (Categorical Violations – Upset Affirmative Defense)
Section 13.03.0416 REPEALED (Local Limits)
Section 13.03.0418 REPEALED (Level of Compliance Effort – Unreasonable Burden)
Section 13.03.0420 REPEALED (Construction of Pretreatment Facilities)
Section 13.03.0422 REPEALED (Side Sewer Manhole)
Section 13.03.0424 REPEALED (Self-monitoring – City Inspections)
Section 13.03.0426 REPEALED (Sampling and Analysis)
Section 13.03.0428 REPEALED (Wastewater Discharge Permit Required)
Section 13.03.0430 REPEALED (Times to Apply – New Permits, Renewals)
Section 13.03.0432 REPEALED (Contents of Application)
Section 13.03.0434 REPEALED (Confidentiality)
Section 13.03.0436 REPEALED (Signing Permit Application, Reports, Other)
Section 13.03.0438 REPEALED (Decision on Permit Application)
Section 13.03.0440 REPEALED (Permit Terms Required)
Section 13.03.0442 REPEALED (Permittee Obligations)
Section 13.03.0444 REPEALED (Slugload Control Plan)
Section 13.03.0446 REPEALED (Permit Performance Security)
Section 13.03.0448 REPEALED (Permit Transfer)
Section 13.03.0450 REPEALED (Permit Modification)
Section 13.03.0452 REPEALED (Permit Revocation)
Section 13.03.0454 REPEALED (Appeals)
Section 13.03.0456 REPEALED (Wastewater from Other Jurisdictions – Interlocal Agreements)
Section 13.03.0458 REPEALED (Baseline Monitoring Report)
Section 13.03.0460 REPEALED (Compliance Schedules – Progress Reports)
Section 13.03.0462 REPEALED (Ninety-day Compliance Report – Categorical Pretreatment Standards)
Section 13.03.0464 REPEALED (Semi-annual Continuing Reports)
Section 13.03.0466 REPEALED (Changed Condition Report)
Section 13.03.0468 REPEALED (Slugload, Upset, and Prohibited Discharge – Reports and Notices)
Section 13.03.0470 REPEALED (Sample Violation Report)
Section 13.03.0472 REPEALED (Hazardous Waste Notification)
Section 13.03.0474 REPEALED (Total Toxic Organics Reporting)
Section 13.03.0476 REPEALED (Bypass Notification)
Section 13.03.0478 REPEALED (Retention of Records)
Section 13.03.0480 REPEALED (Director’s Authority)
Section 13.03.0482 REPEALED (Enforcement Remedies)
Section 13.03.0484 REPEALED (Enforcement by City and Other Governmental Agencies – No Rights or Duties Created)
Section 13.03.0486 REPEALED (Publication of Violators)

Article V. Grease Control Devices, Oil/water Separators, Sand Traps

Section 13.03.0502 Grease Control Devices.
Section 13.03.0503 Oil/water Separators, Sand Traps.
Section 13.03.0504 Installation
Section 13.03.0506 Construction
Section 13.03.0508 Grease Control Devices, Oil/water Separators, Sand Traps —Maintenance.

Article VI. Sewer Construction

Section 13.03.0602 Inspections
Section 13.03.0604 Side Sewer Permit Required
Section 13.03.0606 Sewer Taps
Section 13.03.0608 Sewer Local Improvement District Waiver Agreement
Section 13.03.0610 Costs of Installation and Connection – Indemnity
Section 13.03.0614 Extensions – Risk
Section 13.03.0616 Eligibility for Side Sewer Permit
Section 13.03.0618 Each Branch Deemed Separate Side Sewer – Special Connection
Section 13.03.0620 Opening Street – Requirements
Section 13.03.0622 Sewer Construction Regulations
Section 13.03.0624 Inspection Procedures – Completed Work
Section 13.03.0626 Notice to Sewer Maintenance Supervisor
Section 13.03.0628 Compliance Inspections
Section 13.03.0630 Excavation and Cleaning
Section 13.03.0632 Construction Plans – Private Pump Station
Section 13.03.0634 Changes to Approved Plans – Inspections

Article VII. Special Connection Charges

Section 13.03.0702 Special Connection Agreements – Execution
Section 13.03.0704 Special Connection Charge Authorized – Basis
Section 13.03.0706 Notice
Section 13.03.0708 Payment
Section 13.03.0710 Project Accrued Interest
Section 13.03.0712 Special Connection Charge – Computation

Article VIII. Wastewater General Facilities Charge

Section 13.03.0730 Wastewater General Facilities Charge General Provision – Long Connections
Section 13.03.0732 Wastewater General Facilities Charge (GFC) – Schedule of Charges
Section 13.03.0734 Appendix A – General Facilities Charge Schedule

Article IX. Sewer Connections Outside City Limits

Section 13.03.0802 Connections Authorized
Section 13.03.0804 Specifications of Agreement

Article X. Administrative Provisions

Section 13.03.0902 Rates and Regulations
Section 13.03.0904 Payment – Delinquency – Lien
Section 13.03.0906 Persons Subject to Charges
Section 13.03.0908 Abatement of Public Nuisance
Section 13.03.0910 Suspension of Service
Section 13.03.0912 Equipment – Projects – Minor Expenditures
Section 13.03.0914 Responsibility for Non-public Sewers – No Duty
Section 13.03.0916 Penalty

Article XI. Rates

Section 13.03.1002 Prior Rates Superseded – Effective Date
Section 13.03.1024 Wastewater Management Labor and Equipment – Basis
Section 13.03.110 Definitions
Section 13.03.1102 “Adjusted”
Section 13.03.1104 “Approved”
Section 13.03.1106 “Apartment Unit”
Section 13.03.1108 “Basic Service Charge”
Section 13.03.1110 “Commercial User”
Section 13.03.1114 “Director”
Section 13.03.1116 “Discharge”
Section 13.03.1118 “Domestic User”
Section 13.03.1122 “Domestic User Charge”
Section 13.03.1124 “Dwelling Unit”
Section 13.03.1126 “Industrial User”
Section 13.03.1128 “Industrial User Charge”
Section 13.03.1130 “Person”
Section 13.03.1132 “Process Wastewater Loading”
Section 13.03.1134 “Pretreatment of Wastes”
Section 13.03.1136 “Standard Wastewater Strength”
Section 13.03.1137 Stormwater Charge
Section 13.03.1138 “User Charge”
Section 13.03.1140 “Wastewater Loading”
Section 13.03.1142 “Wastewater Treatment System”
Section 13.03.120 Rates and Charges
Section 13.03.1204 Additional Units
Section 13.03.1206 Commercial Users
Section 13.03.1208 Combination Domestic/Commercial
Section 13.03.1210 Industrial Users
Section 13.03.1212 Large Industrial Users – Monitoring
Section 13.03.1214 Wholesale Customers
Section 13.03.1216 Wastewater Haulers
Section 13.03.1224 Stormwater Pumpage Connection User Charge
Section 13.03.130 Equipment – Rates, Monitoring
Section 13.03.1302 City Water Supplied – Commercial, Industrial Users
Section 13.03.1304 Other Water Supply Sources – Commercial, Industrial Users
Section 13.03.1306 Flow Monitoring
Section 13.03.1308 Large Industrial Users
Section 13.03.1310 Flow Measure – Design, Plans, Instrumentation
Section 13.03.1314 Industrial User to Provide Monitoring Access
Section 13.03.1316 Commercial User Monitoring
Section 13.03.1318 May Order Additional Monitoring
Section 13.03.1320 Equipment Installation Deadlines
Section 13.03.1322 Large User Pre-discharge Approval
Section 13.03.140 New Accounts
Section 13.03.160 Wastewater Analyses and Reports
Section 13.03.1602 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage
Section 13.03.1604 Laboratory Must be Approved
Section 13.03.1606 Monitoring Pretreatment Program
Section 13.03.1608 Monitoring Results Public
Section 13.03.170 Adjustments of Charges
Section 13.03.180 Orders
Section 13.03.190 Persons Subject to Sewer User Charges
Section 13.03.9002 Severability

September 26, 2024