City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0304

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article III. General Requirements

Section 13.03.0304 On-site Sewage Disposal Systems – Policy to Limit
  1. It is the policy and intent of the City of Spokane, the County of Spokane, the Spokane County health district and various other agencies of the state and federal governments that on-site sewage disposal be limited and discouraged and, except where specifically authorized by permit, prohibited in all areas, and that all sewage be discharged into the POTW.
  1. No on-site sewage disposal system may be constructed, used or maintained in the City of Spokane without a written permit from the health officer certifying that it meets the requirements of the health district.
    1. On-site sewage disposal systems must also meet the requirements of the director of wastewater management and this code.
  1. An on-site sewage disposal system is not permitted whenever:
    1. public sewer service is available, as defined in subsection (D) of this section; or
    1. the premises are occupied by a significant industrial user; or
    1. public health or safety would be adversely affected.
  1. Availability of Public Sewer Service.
    1. For purposes of this section, except as provided in subsection (D)(2) of this section, public sewer service is available if a street, highway, alley or easement in which a public sewer is located runs within any point two hundred feet or less from the boundaries of the premises concerned and said premises are located within the design area for the public sewer.
    1. Availability may be deferred from the time public sewer service is located within two hundred feet or less of the property concerned, so long as:
      1. sewage disposal service needs are limited to existing residential uses or equivalent, but this does not extend to multiple-family residential needs;
      1. the property is not platted and there is no further development or change in land use; and
      1. proximity to a public sewer arises from new construction initiated because of development other than on the premises concerned, and there is not otherwise determined to be a need for public sewer service to said premises.
    1. Availability is determined by the director of public works and utilities, in the exercise of reasonable discretion.
  1. Every owner, agent or occupant of any property constructing, using or maintaining an on-site sewage disposal system after public sewer service becomes available must discontinue use of the on-site facility and connect to the public system (POTW) upon the earliest of:
    1. the time the on-site system fails or requires pumping, or
    1. within one year after public service became available or so long as deferred under subsection (D)(2) of this section.

Date Passed: Monday, October 15, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Recodification ORD C34122 Section 1

September 26, 2024