City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0312

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article III. General Requirements

Section 13.03.0312 Disorders on Private Premises – Prompt Repairs
  1. When any sewer, pipe, drain or on-site sewage disposal system located on private premises becomes obstructed, broken, out-of-order or otherwise inoperative, the health officer or the director, if the owner of such premises, customer, occupant or other person responsible for the care and management of the premises, or the agent of any of the foregoing (hereafter jointly and severally referenced as “owner/customer”) fails to correct the problem after two days’ notice to do so, and upon a determination that the public health and safety is or could be endangered thereby, causes such sewer to be removed, reconstructed, repaired, pumped, altered or cleansed, as deemed expedient, at the expense of the owner of such premises.
    1. No notice is necessary in cases of imminent danger to the public health and safety.
  1. Said broken, obstructed, out-of-order or otherwise inoperative sewers, pipes or on-site sewage disposal systems are declared public nuisances which may be summarily abated at the sole expense of the premises owner and/or responsible persons, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter.
  1. In the case of a publicly owned sewer line, where the disorder was not the result of problems which have been determined by the director to have originated from an identifiable premises or area, the owner/customer is not responsible for repair expenses, but must allow prompt and reasonable access where required by the director on any abutting premises for repairs and maintenance as ordered by the director.
    1. Property owner/customers are further required to cooperate with the director to allow the utility to repair or maintain the line or must pay any additional costs incurred by the utility because of failure to cooperate and allow access, which may be billed as a cost of sewer service to the premises concerned.
    1. Cooperation includes providing access and information known to the owner/customer about any special conditions, underground obstructions or other information of any special problems relating to access or repair or maintenance activities.
    1. These obligations are supplemental to any other contractual undertaking or legal duty.

Date Passed: Monday, October 15, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Recodification ORD C34122 Section 1

September 26, 2024