City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0712

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article VII. Special Connection Charges

Section 13.03.0712 Special Connection Charge – Computation
  1. Determination by Director of Engineering Services.
    The special connection charge imposed pursuant to this chapter is paid into the sewer fund and is computed based on the areas to be served by the sewer, which determination is made by the director of engineering services. Notwithstanding the methods of computing the special connection charge provided below, the City may use any other method or combination of methods to compute special connection charges which may be deemed to most fairly reflect the sewer service to the properties subject to the special connection charge. The amount may be computed as follows:

    1. Method I:  Lineal Front Footage – Square Footage.

      1. Lateral Sewers.
        The lineal feet of frontage of property to be served by the sewer, as determined by the director of engineering services, is multiplied by the average cost per front foot of lateral sewers constructed in the City for the year in which the sewer to which the property is to be connected was constructed and accepted.

        1. Exhibit “A” to Ordinance C26649 shall set forth those costs per front foot of lateral sewers previously completed and accepted by the City.

      2. Trunk Sewers.
        The number of square feet of property to be served, as determined by the director of engineering services, is multiplied by the cost per square foot of service area (in the year of actual construction) of the trunk sewer to which a connection is being made.

        1. Exhibit “A” to Ordinance C26649 shall set forth those costs per area served of trunk sewers previously completed and accepted by the City.

    2. Method II:  Actual Cost.
      For those specifically identified projects (as determined by the director of engineering services) where the computation of special connection charges for trunk sewer can be determined based on actual cost and where the City can identify at the outset of the project the service area and those properties for which the sewer facilities have been constructed, the special connection charge may be computed as follows:

      1. Trunk Sewers.
        The trunk service area is divided generally into those zones which are immediately serviceable by the trunk (with the addition of lateral lines) and those zones which are not serviceable by the existing trunk without an extension or subtrunk (plus the necessary laterals). Each separate lot, tract, parcel or other property within the trunk sewer service area is divided into those zones, as determined by the director of engineering services.

        1. Based upon the specific project cost, the director of engineering services computes an estimated cost of completing the trunk system necessary to serve the entire service area.

        2. A cost per acre is then computed for the entire service area and this cost is the basis for special connection charges within the zone receiving immediate trunk sewer service from the completed project.

        3. The special connection charges outside the immediately serviceable zone are based upon the average cost per acre after the charges for the immediately serviceable zone are deducted from the specific project costs.

      2. Lateral Service in Conjunction with Trunk Service.
        Where lateral service is provided together with trunk sewer service (i.e., a side sewer connecting directly into the trunk line), a lateral service fee may be charged as a part of the special connection fee.

        1. This lateral fee is determined by multiplying the average cost, per square foot of area served, of lateral sewers constructed and accepted in the City in the year in which the sewer being connected to was constructed and accepted, by the area being served by the new connection.

      3. The projects described above are subject to the approval of the city council for this charge and are specified in Exhibit “B” to Ordinance C26649.
  2. Annual Average.
    The director of engineering services is authorized to annually compute and establish the average cost per area for lateral and trunk sewers completed by local improvement district and accepted by the City during the previous calendar year, which average assessment is used in computing the special connection charge imposed under this section.

    1. The director of engineering services is also authorized to compute and establish the special connection charges based on actual construction costs for lateral and trunk sewers, constituting special projects for which properties subject to the special connection charge can be identified at the outset of the project.

    2. Such actual costs and the manner in which the special connection charges will be computed are determined by the director of engineering services upon completion and acceptance of the project by the City.

    3. Such special projects shall be designated by project name and shall conform to the notice requirements of SMC 13.03.0706.

    4. A copy of the rates for computation of special connection charges is delivered and filed with the city clerk. Annual rate computations based on average costs are filed with the city clerk each year.

Date Passed: Monday, October 15, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Recodification ORD C34122 Section 1

September 26, 2024