City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.1137

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article XI. Rates

Section 13.03.1137 Stormwater Charge
  1. All premises served within the City’s storm sewer service area shall pay a storm sewer user or stormwater charge except as provided herein.
    1. The stormwater charge is computed based upon classification of the account or premises served as domestic or commercial.
    1. The minimum charge is at least one domestic user charge for all accounts, notwithstanding any other provision.
    1. The storm sewer user charge is calculated by the director in accord with SMC 13.03.1008.
  1. Commercial Stormwater Charge Discounts
    1. For those subject to a commercial charge, the director shall grant a ten percent discount upon application by the customer, and a showing of approved on-site stormwater detention facility.
      1. Such facilities may include drywells, detention ponds, grassy swales, and the like.
      1. An additional ten percent discount shall be granted to those qualifying under the first discount category, who also apply therefore and demonstrate approved on-site stormwater treatment practices, such as grassy swales.
    1. Commercial charges for a new or remodeled commercial building that utilizes a permissive rainwater harvesting system or vegetated roof, as recognized by the director, shall be reduced by ten percent.
      1. To be eligible for a reduction under this subsection (B)(2), the permissive rainwater harvesting system or vegetated roof must be properly sized to utilize all of the available roof surface of the building.
      1. For purposes of administration, a “commercial building” is presumed to be a building on premises billed “commercial user” stormwater user charges under SMC 13.03.1008(B).
      1. “New or remodeled” shall mean a building built new or substantially remodeled.
    1. The director may grant an additional ten percent discount on application by the customer, showing the use of low impact development facilities for stormwater management.
      1. Such facilities may include permeable pavement, bioretention areas, infiltration planters, and other low impact development Best Management Practices as approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology and City of Spokane. Bio-infiltration swales (commonly referred to as grassy swales) are not eligible for this discount.
      1. Facility maintenance is required for continuation of this discount. Maintenance requirements for low impact development facilities can be found in the Eastern Washington Low Impact Development Guidance Manual and/or manufacturer guidelines.
  1. To obtain a discount under subsection (B) of this section, a customer must file a completed written application on forms approved by the director and pay an inspection fee based on the number of impervious acres to be inspected. All discounts are prospective from the date of inspection and shall not exceed the maximum allowable discount of forty percent. The fee for accounts:
    1. up to one impervious acre: Zero dollars,
    1. one to five impervious acres: Fifty dollars,
    1. five to ten impervious acres: One hundred dollars,
    1. ten to twenty impervious acres: Two hundred dollars, and
    1. over twenty impervious acres: Four hundred dollars.

The inspection certification approving discount eligibility under subsection (B)(1) is good for the functional life of the facility. The inspection certification approving discount eligibility under subsections (B)(2) and/or (B)(3) is good for five years. The director administers this program with such additional rules as he shall provide, and may assess additional charges for administrative costs not encompassed herein.

  1. No general stormwater service charges under SMC 13.03.1008 are made to customers receiving such service from the Spokane International Airport (SIA) authority at Geiger Field and vicinity, where the airport authority maintains good and sufficient stormwater service for said customers and the authority accepts full and continuing responsibility for the design, construction, maintenance, operation, upkeep, and replacement of all stormwater facilities in such area, and where the authority accepts full and separate responsibility for compliance with all stormwater permit and regulatory requirements of all jurisdictional regulatory agencies, including the Washington State department of ecology’s stormwater management and control permit regulations and requirements.

Date Passed: Monday, August 26, 2013

Effective Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ORD C35021 Section 1

September 26, 2024