City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17A
Chapter 17A.020
Section 17A.020.160

Title 17A Administration

Chapter 17A.020 Definitions

Section 17A.020.160 "P" Definitions
  1. Painted Wall Highlights.

See SMC 17C.240.015.

  1. Painted Wall Sign.

See SMC 17C.240.015.

  1. PAO Responsible Official.

The Planning Director, serving in the capacity of administrative official of the lead agency.

  1. Parcel.

See “Lot” (SMC 17A.020.120).

  1. Parkway.

A thoroughfare designated as a collector or arterial, with a median reflecting the park-like character implied in the name - SMC 17D.050A.040.U.

  1. Party of Record.

Any person who has appeared at a hearing of the hearing examiner by presenting testimony or making written comment.

  1. Paved Area.
    1. An uncovered, hard-surfaced area or an area covered with a perforated hard surface (such as “Grasscrete”) that is able to withstand vehicular traffic or other heavy-impact uses.
    1. Graveled areas are not paved areas.
  1. Pedestrian Buffer Strips (PBS).

A hard-surfaced or planted area(s) between travel or parking lanes and sidewalks, also called planting strips. PBS improves safety by separating vehicles and pedestrians and provide space for drainage, street trees and snow storage.

  1. Pedestrian Path.

A continuous, unobstructed, reasonably direct route between an on-site parking lot and a Primary Building Entry designed and suitable for pedestrian use. Minimum requirements for Pedestrian Paths are listed in Section 17C.123.040 of the FBC.

  1. Pedestrian-Scaled Fixtures (lighting).

Pole-mounted light fixtures placed and designed to illuminate foot-traffic areas including exterior lots, pathways or sidewalks. For purposes of the HFBC, Pedestrian-Scaled Fixtures are defined by height as measured from ground to bottom of shade or bulb.

  1. Pedestrian-Scaled Signs.

See SMC 17C.240.015.

  1. Pedestrian Street.
    1. A street designated on the official zoning map as a pedestrian street where development standards are required to promote a pedestrian friendly street. Pedestrian streets offer a pleasant and safe walking environment. Design features include minimal interruptions of the sidewalk by driveways, publicly usable site furnishing such as benches, tables, and bike racks, and visually interesting buildings close to the sidewalk.
  1. Performance Guarantee.

A “financial guarantee” providing for and securing to the City the actual construction and installation of the required improvements.

  1. Performance/Warranty Retainer.

A “financial guarantee” both providing for and securing to the City the actual construction and installation of such improvements, and securing to the City the successful operation of the improvements for two years after the City’s final inspection and acceptance of the improvements.

  1. Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.

A combination of plants, mulch, sod, matting, erosion control blankets, and permanent structures that will provide long-term soil stabilization.

  1. Permanent Sign.

See SMC 17C.240.015.

  1. Permanent Stabilization.

See Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.

  1. Permeable Sediment.

Sediment permitting the flow of water.

  1. Person.

Any natural person, whether acting individually or in a representative capacity, partnership, joint venture, corporation, or other legal entity.

  1. Pier.

Any platform structure, fill, or anchored device in or floating upon water bodies to provide moorage for watercraft engaged in commerce, including, but not limited to, wharves, mono-buoys, quays, ferry terminals, and fish weighing station.

  1. Planned Action.

A Planned Action means one or more types of project action that:

    2. Are designated Planned Actions by an ordinance or resolution; and
    2. In conjunction with, or to implement, an adopted comprehensive plan or subarea plan that have had the significant impacts adequately addressed in an Environmental Impact Statement under the requirements of WAC 197-11-64; and
    2. Is exempt from additional SEPA review for all elements covered under the Environmental Impact Statement of the adopted comprehensive plan or subarea plan.
    2. Is defined in WAC 197-11-164.
  1. Planned Capacity.

For all capital facilities, except transportation, capacity for a concurrency facility that does not exist, but for which the necessary facility construction, expansion, or modification project is contained in the current adopted City of Spokane comprehensive plan, capital improvement program and scheduled to be completed within six years. (RCW 36.70A.020).

  1. Planned Capacity for Transportation Facilities.

Capacity for transportation facilities, including roads and transit, that does not exist, but where transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of development are made concurrent with the development.

    1. These strategies may include:
      1. increased public transportation service,
  1. ride sharing programs,
  1. demand management, and
  1. other transportation systems management strategies.
    1. For transportation facilities, “concurrent with the development” shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years (RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b)).
  1. Planned Unit Development (PUD).
    1. A planned unit development is a project permit for an overlay zone, approved by the hearing examiner, which does not fully comply with all of the development standards of the base zone in which it is located, but is approved based on superior or innovative design.                            .
    2. The City may permit a variety of types, design, and arrangement of structures and enable the coordination of project characteristics with features of a particular site in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare.
  1. Plans.

Planning documents, which are developed by the various departments of the City, pertaining to the orderly development of public facilities.

  1. Planting Zone.

Area for street trees, ground cover or other plantings; typically included herein as a portion of overall sidewalk width reserved for locating permanent trees and tree grates.

  1. Plat – Final.

A map or representation of a subdivision, showing thereon the division of a tract or parcel of land into lots, blocks, streets, alleys, or other divisions and dedications and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this chapter and chapter 58.17 RCW.

  1. Plat – Preliminary.
    1. A neat and approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the general layout of streets, alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of a subdivision required by this chapter and chapter 58.17 RCW.
    1. The preliminary plat shall be the basis for the approval or disapproval of the general layout of a subdivision.
  1. Plaza.

Areas generally open to the public on a controlled basis and used for passive recreational activities and relaxation.

Plazas are paved areas typically provided with amenities, such as seating, drinking, and ornamental fountains, art, trees, and landscaping, for use by pedestrians.

  1. Plinth.

The base or platform upon which a building wall or column appears to rest, helping establish pedestrian-scaled elements and aesthetically tying the building to the ground.

  1. Pollutant.

Any substance which is prohibited or limited by applicable laws or regulations, which is released or discharged in conjunction with development. Any substance that causes or contributes to violation of air, land, or water quality standards, released or discharged.

  1. Pollution.

Contamination, or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of air, land, water or wetlands, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive, or other substance into air, land, water, or wetlands as will or is likely to cause a nuisance or render such air, land, water, or wetlands harmful, detrimental, or injurious to the public health, safety, or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wildlife, fish, native vegetation, or other aquatic life.

  1. Potential Geologically Hazardous Areas.

Areas designated on maps maintained in the City’s planning and economic development services department. They are classified “potential” because they have not been confirmed by field investigation nor do they necessarily include the full extent of all geologically hazardous areas within the City. The maps are intended to alert property owners, purchasers, developers, etc., to the possible existence of significant geological hazards, which may warrant further geotechnical study.

  1. Practicable Alternative.

An alternative that is available and capable of being carried out after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes and having less impact to critical areas. It may involve using an alternative site in the general region that is available to the applicant and may feasibly be used to accomplish the project.

  1. Predevelopment Meetings.

Meetings between City or agency staff and an applicant or their representatives prior to formal submission of a detailed application. They are intended to provide an overview of the regulatory requirements, application process, and procedural submission requirements.

  1. Principal Buildings.

Where multiple buildings occupy a single lot, those buildings that are associated with the prevailing use of that site.

  1. Primary Building Entry.

Access or entrance of first rank, importance or value, visually associated with the prevailing ground-floor use of a building.

  1. Primary Building Walls.

Any exterior building wall that faces a street and contains a public entrance to the occupant's premises or tenant space. If an individual tenant space does not have a street facing wall, or does not have a street facing wall containing a public entrance, then the primary building wall for that individual tenant space is any wall containing a public entrance that faces a parking area on the site. (See Figure 1, SMC 17C.240.130, Primary Building Walls)

  1. Primary Container.

The container that is in direct contact with the material of concern during the course of normal transport, use, or storage.

  1.  Primary Drainage Basin.

The basin of the stream or tributary within which a project is proposed, not including basins of major tributaries. For the purpose of this regulation the primary drainage basin of:

    1. Latah Creek is not a part of the primary drainage basin of the Spokane River,
    2. Marshall Creek is not a part of the primary drainage basin of Latah Creek.
  1. Primary Structure.
    1. A structure or combination of structures of chief importance or function on a site. In general, the primary use of the site is carried out in a primary structure.
    2. The difference between a primary and accessory structure is determined by comparing the size, placement, similarity of design, use of common building materials, and the orientation of the structures on a site.
  1. Primary Use.
    1. An activity or combination of activities of chief importance on the site. One of the main purposes for which the land or structures are intended, designed or ordinarily used.
    2. A site may have more than one primary use.
  1. Principal Arterials.

A street serving major activity centers, providing a high degree of mobility and serving the longest trip demands within the urban area.

  1. Priority Habitats.

Habitat areas determined by WDFW to have unique or significant value to many species and that meet one or more of the following criteria:

      1. High wildlife density.
      2. High species diversity.
      3. Important wildlife breeding habitat.
      4. Important wildlife seasonal ranges.
      5. Important movement corridors.
      6. Limited availability.
      7. High vulnerability to habitat alteration.
  1. Priority Species.

A wildlife species requiring protective measures for their perpetuation due to their population status, their sensitivity to habitat alteration, and/or their recreational importance.

  1. Private Street.

Roadway which is not controlled or maintained by a public authority, and which serve two or more properties.

  1. Project Permit or Project Permit Application.

Any land use or environmental permit or license required for a project action, including, but not limited to, building permits, short plats, subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, conditional uses, shoreline substantial development permits, site plan review, permits, or approvals required by the critical area ordinance, and site specific rezones authorized by a comprehensive plan or subarea plan, but excluding the adoption or amendment of a comprehensive plan, subarea plan, or development regulations, except as  otherwise specifically identified under RCW 36.70B.140.

  1. Projecting Sign.

See SMC 17C.240.015.

  1. Protected Species.

A general classification of animals by WDFW that includes all those species not classified as listed, game, fur-bearing, or non-protected. This also includes all birds not classified as game or non-protected.

  1. Proximity.

That two or more properties are either adjacent or separated by a street or alley.

  1. Public Access.

The public’s right to get to and use the City’s public waters, the water/land interface and associated shoreline area. It includes physical access that is either lateral (areas paralleling the shore) or perpendicular (an easement or public corridor to the shore), and/or visual access facilitated by means such as scenic streets and overlooks, viewing towers, and other public sites or facilities.

  1. Public Facilities.

Any City-owned, operated, or contracted public facility or service in whole, or in part, whether existing or planned, including, but not limited to:

  1. parks,
  1. recreation facilities,
  1. playgrounds,
  1. streets,
  1. transportation facilities,
  1. open spaces,
  1. fire facilities,
  1. storm water drainage ponds, and
  1. all such appurtenances and improvements.
  1. Public Property.

Any City-owned real property, air space, or other interest in real estate, including streets, alleys, or other public rights-of-way, owned by or controlled by this municipality or any other governmental unit.

  1. Public Way.
  1. A dedicated “public way” is a tract of land:
      1. conveyed or reserved by deed,
      1. dedicated by plat, or
      1. acquired by decree of court,
      1. which has been accepted and dedicated by action of the city council to the public right-of-way and for secondary use as an easement for public utilities.
  1. An “alley” is a public way, usually not exceeding sixteen feet in width, designed or intended to provide secondary access to abutting properties.

Date Passed: Monday, August 12, 2024

Effective Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024

ORD C36554 Section 3

February 23, 2025