City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

***Note: Many local criminal codes can now be located under Chapter 10.60 SMC while others are now cited under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), which was incorporated into the municipal code in 2022. (See SMC 10.58.010). Code Enforcement, including Noise Control and Animal Regulations are located in Chapters 10.62 through 10.74.

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.123
Section 17C.123.040

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.123 Form Based Code Zones

Section 17C.123.040 Land Use, Height, Placement and Parking

This section provides a broad range of allowable use categories within the Regulating Plan limits, specifying permitted and prohibited uses according to building story reflecting the development patterns expressed in the Regulating Plan. This section also regulates building height, placement, frontage and impervious surface coverage, specifying each within the Context Areas provided in the Regulating Plan and managing the transition between high-intensity mixed-use areas and low-intensity residential areas outside the limits of this form-based code. This section also regulates parking, parking lot location and treatment, and site lighting, consistent with the Regulating Plan. Conformance with these standards is critical to establishing the type of pedestrian and vehicular access patterns needed for the area to thrive as a vibrant, walkable district.

  1. Use Provisions.
    Use regulations are provided in figures 17.123.040-D through 17.123.040-G for all areas within the Regulating Plan. Uses deemed unsuitable for areas within the Regulating Plan area are specifically identified. 

  2. Building Height.
    The height of buildings shall be measured from mean grade to top of cornice or roof eave and shall meet the specifications provided in figures 17.123.040-D through 17.123.040G. Building height measurements express regulatory standards.  

    1. Maximum height limits in CA-1, CA-2, and CA-3 are allowed only within 100’ to 114’ of the Hamilton right of way line to match the platting pattern along Hamilton. Beyond 100’ from Hamilton, proposals shall be designed with respect for the height, scale and character of adjacent zone as described in Figure 17C.123.040-A:

Figure 17C.123.040A: The maximum height designation for CA-1, CA-2, CA-3 is allowed within 100’ to 114’ of the Hamilton right of way line to match the platting pattern along Hamilton. Beyond this point, the maximum height may not exceed a transition line to the maximum wall height allowed in the adjacent zone.

  1. Story listings are provided for reference purposes only, expressing typical outcomes for listed heights. Allowable height exceptions apply to the overall distance extending beyond the measured building height, as follows:

    1. Pitched roofs may extend above the height limit, but if the space within the pitched roof is habitable, it shall only be used for residential purposes.

    2. For flat roofs, Open Roof Structures (pergolas, arbors) and Architectural Roof Structures (turrets, etc.) may extend beyond the height limit by no more than 12’.

    3. For flat roofs, enclosed roof structures (penthouses) may extend above the height limit by no more than 18’ from the roof line if set back no less than 20’.

  2. Shopfront Street Provisions.
    Building placement along Shopfront Streets shall prioritize street corner locations, precluding the development of parking, open spaces or other lot features at street corners.

  3. Impervious Surface Coverage.
    Impervious surfaces shall not exceed the maximum impervious surface percentages (calculated on the basis of the lot) specified in Table 17C.123.040-1.

Table 17C.123.040-1 Impervious Surface Coverage






Maximum Impervious Surface





  1. Parking

    1. Off-Street Surface Parking: Off-street surface parking shall not be placed between the street right-of-way and the building fronting the street.

    2. Parking Space and Aisle Dimensions: Standards for parking space and aisle dimension can be found in SMC 17C.230.140.

    3. Bicycle Parking: Requirements for bicycle parking are found in SMC 17C.230.200. Bicycle parking provided in the streetscape can contribute to requirements in SMC 17C.230.200.

    4. Other Provisions: Additional parking requirements are stated in 17C.230 SMC, Parking and Loading. The FBC supersedes the location and amount requirements for parking; these standards are identified for each context area in figures 17.123.040-D through 17.123.040-G.

  2. Surface parking and site lighting.
    Surface parking lot and site lighting shall contribute to the character and safety of the site and adjacent rights of way, while not disturbing adjacent properties. Surface lot and site lighting shall adhere to the following standards:  

    1. Lighting types - Pedestrian-scale fixtures shall be used for all lighting illuminating required Pedestrian Paths. Vehicle-scale fixtures may be used for general surface lot and site lighting. (See Figure 17C.123.040-B)

    2. Performance - Parking lot and site lighting shall provide adequate night visibility and security by distributing a minimum of two foot-candles to a maximum of six foot-candles of illumination at ground level. All lighting shall be shielded from producing off-site glare, directing light downward and away from adjacent properties.

    3. Driveways/Site Access - Driveway widths shall not exceed 24 feet, and curb cuts shall not exceed 30 feet for combined entry/exits. 

    4. Pedestrian Walkways - Within surface lots containing more than 30 parking stalls, pedestrian-friendly walkways shall be provided between the surface lots and building entrances. Pedestrian Paths shall be not less than five feet wide and be clearly defined, using at least two of the following: 

      1. Six-inch vertical curbing

      2. Textured paving, including across vehicle lanes

      3. Continuous landscaped area at a minimum of 3 feet wide on at least one side of the walkway
  3. Shopfront Street Provisions - If fronting on a Shopfront Street, above-ground parking structures shall provide continuous ground level commercial or office spaces and uses along the street, except at ingress and egress points into the structure. (See Figure 17C.123.040-C).


    Figure 17C.123.040-B: Unless otherwise specified, Vehicle-Scale and Pedestrian Scale lighting fixtures must meet height criteria illustrated here.

    Figure 17C.123.040-C: Parking garages (decks) along shopfront streets must provide ground-level retail, commercial or office space fronting the street.


  1. Regulatory Cutsheets – The information presented in the tables in figures 17.123.040-D through 17.123.040-G represent the regulations for height, parking, land uses, build-to-lines, and building frontage for all Context Areas.

  2. Figure 17C.123.040-H supplements the regulatory cutsheets by providing visual representation for build-to-lines, interior lot lines and other standards.





Figure 17C.123.040-H Visual Diagram


Date Passed: Monday, January 12, 2015

Effective Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ORD C35212 Section 1