City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.122
Section 17C.122.020

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.122 Center and Corridor Zones

Section 17C.122.020 Types of Centers/Corridors
  1. Type 1 (CC1): Pedestrian Emphasis/Auto Accommodating.
    The Type 1 center and corridor zone promotes the greatest pedestrian orientation of the center and corridor zones. To accomplish this, some limitations are placed on auto-oriented activities and some types and the allowable size of some uses are controlled.
  2. Type 2 (CC2): Pedestrian Enhanced/Auto Accommodating.
    The Type 2 center and corridor zone promotes new development and redevelopment that is pedestrian oriented while accommodating the automobile. Incentives allowing a higher floor area ratio in exchange for the provision of greater public amenities as land is developed and redeveloped are encouraged in these areas.
  3. Type 3 (CC3): Center and Corridor Overlay Zone.
    The Type 3 centers and corridors zone is applied in areas that have pre-existing zoning designations that allow different uses and have different development standards than those prescribed for the Type 1 and 2 centers and corridors. This overlay zone is intended to allow development within these areas to take advantage of the opportunities allowed in the Type 1 and 2 centers and corridors. Development within Type 3 centers is either allowed to use the existing zoning regulations or may develop according to the standards for Type 1 or Type 2 centers and corridors.
  4. Type 4 (CC4): Mixed Use Transition Zone.
    The Type 4 centers and corridors zone is applied in areas that are designated CC4 transition as a result of a neighborhood center and corridor planning process. The intent of this zone is to provide a transition of mixed uses (office, small retail and multi-family residential) between the core of the center or corridor and existing or designated residential areas. Residential uses are allowed outright. Residential uses are required to be mixed on the same parcel as proposed office and retail uses. Retail uses are limited to three thousand square feet per parcel. In neighborhood centers, retail uses will only be allowed on parcels with frontage on an arterial street. Nonresidential uses in the CC4 zone are not allowed within sixty feet of a single-family and two-family residential zones or further than three hundred feet (neighborhood center only) from a CC core comprehensive plan designation.

Date Passed: Monday, December 19, 2005

Effective Date: Saturday, January 21, 2006

ORD C33774 Section 1

October 19, 2024