City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.122

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.122 Center and Corridor Zones

Section 17C.122.010 Intent
Section 17C.122.020 Types of Centers/Corridors
Section 17C.122.030 Pedestrian Street Designations
Section 17C.122.040 Historic Special Valuation Tax Incentive
Section 17C.122.050 Administrative Rules
Section 17C.122.060 Design Standards and Guidelines for Centers and Corridors
Section 17C.122.070 Center and Corridor Zone Allowed Uses
Section 17C.122.080 REPEALED (Floor Area Ratio)
Section 17C.122.090 Public Amenities Allowing Bonus Height
Section 17C.122.100 REPEALED (Maximum Building Height)
Section 17C.122.120 Parking and Loading
Section 17C.122.130 Landscaping and Screening
Section 17C.122.135 Fences
Section 17C.122.140 REPEALED (Street Trees)
Section 17C.122.150 Signs
Section 17C.122.160 Drive-through Facilities
Section 17C.122.200 Development Standards Table
Section 17C.122.210 Height
Section 17C.122.220 Height Transition
Section 17C.122.230 Floor Area Ratio
Section 17C.122.240 Setbacks
Section 17C.122.250 Sidewalks

September 26, 2024